For foreign media reporters asking questions from Japan and Australia signed a security agreement last Saturday (October 22) to cope with changes in the regional security environment, the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs responded that the Asia -Pacific region does not need a military group, and it is more.No need to stir up camp confrontation.

According to Global Network, a spokesman for the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs Wang Wenbin said at a regular press conference on Monday (October 24) that "exchanges and cooperation between countries should help promote regional countriesMutual understanding and trust will help maintain peace and stability in the region, and should not target third parties or damage the interests of third parties. "

Wang Wenbin pointed out that the Asia -Pacific region does not need a military group, nor does it need to stir up camp confrontation, encourage the small circle of the new Cold War, any damage to the peace and stability of the region, and destroying the united cooperation in the region will be affected by the region.The people's vigilance and co -opposition.

Japanese Prime Minister Kishida and Australian Prime Minister Albanis held a head talks in Perth, the capital of Western Australia on the 22nd to agree to strengthen the Australian -Japan defense relationship.The two leaders signed a security cooperation agreement that updated the 2007 agreement to deal with changes in the regional security environment.

Australia and Japan have recently strengthened security relations to deal with China's growing military power in this region.