

Notes on the stage

The border control with a crown disease of up to 938 days is finally unblocked on Thursday (October 13). Many Taiwanese people cheer up and prepare for revenge tourism. The excitement is overwhelming.At this time, there was a "high -end warrior" who criticized Hari. It was discovered that entering Japan must show a certificate of vaccination that the World Health Organization (WHO) recognized by the World Health Organization (WHO), or it has to pay 3,500 yuan (NT $ 157) for nucleic acid as a nuclear acid.The test (PCR) negative proof can go, and instantly became a "low -end national".

Zhou Yukou, a senior green media person who had three doses of high -end vaccines, couldn't help scolding in the news of her news of the news of her news.We who love high -end people finally become the most upside -down people. "She also said to the high -end" cannot continue to hide behind the government for counting banknotes. "Li Bingying, the convener of the Ministry of Health and Welfare for Vocating and Consulting (ACIP), also believed in her interview that high -end should take the initiative to communicate with Japan.

High -end response stated that they have provided relevant documents of the Central Popular Epidemic Command Center in September to assist the Taiwan government and Japan for continuous negotiation. Because Taiwan is not a WHO member country, high -end vaccines cannot apply for WHO certification after obtaining Taiwan certification.It can be submitted with the assistance of the third country's pharmaceutical regulatory unit.In other words, there is no solution.

Last year, the Taiwan Government's high -end emergency authorization (EUA) that did not complete the third phase of clinical trials caused great controversy.Some people may not be able to leave the country in the future without the certification of high -end high -end countries such as Europe and the United States.Sure enough, the United States who opened the border at the end of last year requested that entryrs in the border requested that the vaccine injection certificate must be proposed that the DPP mayor of Taipei, the mayor of the DPP mayor of the Democratic Progressive Party, who was unknown on the high -end list.After Japan opened the border on October 11 this year, Chen Shizhong was questioned again. He emphasized that "the vaccine is to avoid getting sick, not to go abroad."

In fact, whether it can be small out of the country, the safety and effectiveness of vaccine are the focus.The Taiwanese government has long hoped to support the local biotechnology industry and has a good intention. However, the epidemic suddenly broke out in May last year. At that time, there was only a Japanese donation of some AZ vaccines in Taiwan.The government quickly conducted a high-end EUA for the second phase of clinical trials of "Immune-Briding", and set up 5 million doses in one breath, and then launched vaccination to the public.

More than 1 million people are playing high -end vaccines

From Tsai Ing -wen and Vice President Lai Qingde, they all presented high -end inoculation of arms, and media with good relationships with the house released the information that the United States secretly provided Modner's "twin brothers" vaccine to Taiwan.It is also publicly said that high -end and Modner "tied the same door."The promotional tone of "playing high -end is to love Taiwan", so that young people who support the Cai government also follow up.Including some of the tuition class teachers, massage operators and eight major industries for work for work, there are about 1 million people.At the same time, another local Lianya vaccine did not get the same care.

In order to escort the high -end, the government deliberately obstructed BNT vaccine procurement in order to escort high -end, and also suspected high -end protection.Some media have asked the prices of vaccine. Chen Shizhong refused to answer on the grounds that the contract had confidentiality clauses, and referred to the price of the price.Some experts and scholars suspect whether the United States treats Taiwan as a second and third -phase human experimental field.

The report sent to the Legislative Yuan recently revealed the five lacks of the high -end high -end, including the fact that the person's needs did not indeed estimate that the vaccine expired; the high -end delayed delivery for more than 30 days, but the Ministry of Health and Welfare did not punish a penalty; vaccine purchaseThe opaque is open, and it is also purchased for 30 years with the "secret" vaccine purchase contract.

Chen Shizhong said that he had left the Ministry of Health and Welfare, and it was not advisable to "overweight" to reply.Minister of Health and Welfare Xue Ruiyuan said that high -end fines have been fined in accordance with the law, and high -end high -end must complete the supplement of the vaccine protection effect report at the end of this month, and EUA will be abolished overdue.

It turned out that more than a year has passed, and the high -end clinical trial report has not yet been completed. It also talks about the third -phase test. How could Japan pass the high -end vaccine, and it also answered "We who love high -end people finally become the most upside -down."People".

Moreover, high -end stocks fluttered in the sky in just a few months last year, from 28 yuan to 417 yuan. Many people with "inside" news have already got on the car and made a lot of money.70 yuan, hit the original shape.

The Kuomintang legislators accused the high -end inside trading of the HKMA transferred to the HKMA nine times, but the prosecution unit did not move like a mountain.According to high -end financial reports, the financial name here is 723 yuan a high -end dose. Li Bingying mentioned in the interview that the high -end one dose is sold for more than 1,000 yuan. Where did the difference in the middle go?

Some people interpret Zhou Yue's dissatisfaction with high -end conversations, which cannot be cut with it in the warning, but the government's relevant persons need to explain the high -end doubts to explain the doubts.