In response to US media reports, the British refused to let the Chinese delegation admire the spirit of the British Queen Elizabeth II.

According to a press release from the official website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, a reporter from Bloomberg reporters on Friday (September 16) in a regular reporter will ask that the British refused to let the Chinese government delegation enter the Westminster Hall of the Congress Building., Enjoy the spirit of Elizabeth II.Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Mao Ning made the above statement in response.

Mao Ning said that she did not see the relevant reports, but what she wanted to say is that the burial of the Queen of Elizabeth II is an important event in Britain.Dear and attach importance to Britain.Britain should adhere to the diplomatic etiquette and hospitality as the owner.

In addition, Mao Ning also announced on Saturday morning that at the invitation of the British government, Chinese President Xi Jinping and Vice President Wang Qishan will attend the funeral of Elizabeth II in London on September 19.

Politico Politico on Thursday (September 15) quoted senior officials of the British Parliament saying that Lindsay Hoyle, Speaker of the British House of Commons, told his colleagues that he rejected Chinese officials in British QueenBefore the funeral, entered the request of the Queen Lingxing in Westminster.