South Korean President Yin Xiyue met with Li Zhanshu, chairman of the Standing Committee of the Chinese People's Congress on Friday (September 16), said that he should not let the "Sade" problem be a stumbling block for the development of South Korea -China relations.The two sides also agreed to communicate closely on the problem of Sade.

According to the Yonhap News Agency, Yin Xiyue said in Li Zhanshu, who visited the Presidential Palace of Longshan, Seoul on Friday that Hanzhong ushered in the 30th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations in August this year.Leap, I hope that in the next 30 years, the two countries will promote the improvement of bilateral relations with the spirit of mutual benefit and mutual trust.

Yin Xiyue also invited Chinese President Xi Jinping to visit South Korea during the meeting with Li Zhanshu, saying that Xi Jinping's visit to South Korea will be an important opportunity for the 30 -year development of South Korea -China relations.He also said that he hoped that the common interests of South Korea and China would continue to expand, and the friendship and mutual trust between the two countries will further deepen.

In this regard, Li Zhanshu said that he would report Yin Xiyue's invitation to Xi Jinping, and hoped that Yin Xiyue would also visit China when it was convenient.Li Zhanshu said that in the past 30 years, China -South Korea relations have achieved comprehensive development with the joint efforts of leaders of the two countries.The relationship between the two countries brings huge benefits to the two countries and the people of the two countries, and also played a pivotal role in achieving world peace and development.

In response to the problem of the "Sad" anti -missile system, Yin Xiyue said that as the consensus on the formation of the issue of the foreign ministers of the two countries met the issue last month, the two countries should maintain close communication and prevent related issues from becoming a relationship between the two countries.Development stumbling block.According to the Presidential Office of South Korea, Li Zhanshu agreed on the need to communicate closely on sensitive issues.

Yin Xiyue also introduced Li Zhanshu the "bold idea" of the Korean government's policy roadmap.Yin Xiyue emphasized that the South Korean government will unwaverly promote the "bold ideas" and maintain peace and stability of the Korean Peninsula and even Northeast Asia.Li Zhanshu said that he had a deeper understanding of the concept and would report to Xi Jinping about content.

Yin Xiyue also emphasized that South Korea will strengthen communication and communication with China, and consolidate the friendly and emotional foundation between the two countries.Li Zhanshu agreed with the necessity of promoting personnel exchanges between the two sides, and said that China would cooperate closely with the South Korean side.

According to reports, Yin Xiyue met with Li Zhanshu for about 1 hour and 10 minutes from 4 pm on Friday.