Yang Yiqiang, the first chief commander of the "Long March 11" Rockets and director of the Sky Flying Science and Technology Center of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, said that with the improvement of the business model, in 2025, China is expected to start a sub -rail traveler. The fare is about 2 million (RMB,In the same, about S $ 400,000) to 3 million.

According to the Global Times, Yang Yiqiang said in an interview that at the latest of 2027, the "spring" of Chinese commercial aerospaces will come.The "spring" of commercial aerospace can be judged based on the following signs: First, the satellite constellation is established on a large scale, the carrier rocket enters the high -density launch stage to achieve the recovery and reuse of low -cost large -scale liquid rockets; second, it is unique to commercial aerospace commercial businessModels, such as space tourism, are realized; third, navigation positioning, navigation enhancement, low -orbit Internet and high -time resolution remote sensing constellations can provide services to the public and enterprises.

Specific travel to space, Yang Yiqiang pointed out that there are currently three types.The first is to enter the space station, which has strict requirements for the physical and psychological quality of tourists; the second is to bring the tourists into space through the double body airborne aircraft, represented by the "white knight" of Virgin Galaxy, butThis model is poorly comfortable and safe; the third is the current mature sub -rail travel, which is suitable for most people.With the improvement of the business model, in 2025, China is expected to start a Asian orbit travel with fares about 2 million to 3 million yuan.

Yang Yiqiang believes that in the field of commercial aerospace, China and the United States have formed a certain market size.When the United States began to promote the commercialization of aerospace in the 1980s. When Musk established the Space Exploration Technology Company (SpaceX), the industry has developed in the United States.Although China's commercial aerospace started late, under the policy support, capital blessings, and market demand, the development trend was in full swing.2015 is the first year of Chinese aerospace commercialization. A report in 2021 shows that there are more than 370 registered companies in Chinese commercial space.In the past 7 years, head companies have appeared in the areas of carrier rockets, satellite applications, etc., and have formed a complementary pattern of national teams and private factions.

Yang Yiqiang said that at present, China's commercial aerospace has entered the 2.0 era from the 1.0 era, and it is expected to enter the 3.0 era within 5 years.Sex satellite constellations, realization of rocket recycling and reducing costs.Another data shows that from 2015 to 2020, the compound annual growth rate of China's commercial aerospace market reached 22.09%, which is related to China's complete independent intellectual property rights and talent hematopoietic mechanisms, and the support of the country.However, from the perspective of the economic scale and overall corporate valuation of commercial aerospace, the volume is relatively small, and there are fewer companies that really rely on rockets and satellite profits. At present, Chinese commercial aerospace companies are still in the "accumulation" stage.

Yang Yiqiang also said that the commercialization of Chinese aerospace needs a double -wheel drive -market demand and technological innovation.The business direction of aerospace is not complicated. For example, the commercial rocket is essentially the carrier tool. The main profit model in the future is to charge the service and the expansion of advertising naming and cultural tourism.Accurate data, such as satellite navigation, and the combination of remote sensing satellites and environmental monitoring, urban and rural planning, etc.In my opinion, the key to the development of Chinese commercial aerospace is not rockets or satellites, but applications.The closer to the business income of ordinary people and end users, the higher the business income of ordinary people and end users. We must let commercial aerospace go deep into ordinary people's lives.

For commercial aerospace companies, the adverse tendency at the current level of public opinion is that the company claims to be a "Musk" in China. It is hoped that the story is favored by the market and capital.EssenceSecondly, traditional aerospace re -launch but light service. Related enterprises should strengthen their awareness of service and form the concept of "the Rockets want to serve satellites and satellites to serve the application".In addition, enterprises should also avoid the "horse race circle", but to build a public experimental platform and revitalize their respective assets.In the end, it is very important that in the future, commercial aerospace will evolve towards globalization. Relevant Chinese companies should also strengthen their sensitivity to the international market, bear the leading international industry standards, and build the “Belt and Road” initiative and “go global” to “go out”.The heavy responsibility.