Former Hsinchu Mayor Lin Zhijian withdrawn from the mayor of Taoyuan for the plagiarism case, and did not appear in any public occasion for more than a month.Shen Huihong, the mayor of the Democratic Progressive Party, revealed that Lin Zhijian will appear in Hsinchu on Saturday to help her election on Saturday to assist her on Saturday.

According to the Taiwan Liberty Times, it is reported that after Lin Zhijian's withdrawal from the mayor of Taoyuan, it has returned to prevent Hsinchu for some time in order to consolidate the basic market of Hsinchu.In this regard, Shen Huihong participated in the media of the Gongfu Land Temple of Hsinchu City on Friday and revealed to the media when the Gongtian Gongtonggong Christmas event that her first Bai Gongbai Fortune Association was established on Saturday afternoon.The convener, Ke Jianming, and others attended together to take the election for her.

In response to Lin Zhijian's tranquility of the thesis goals and baseball courts, whether it will become the baggage of the election, Shen Huihong emphasized that in the past eight years, Hsinchu's political achievements are clearly presented.The process and achievements of hard work together are also changes that citizens feel.

In addition, Gao Hong'an, a candidate for the people of the people, pointed out that Lin Zhijian would become Shen Huihong's election baggage.Xu Mingcai and former Hsinchu City Council Speaker Xie Wenjin's old forces of these Kuomintang frequently went to "run stalls".Gao Hong'an not only has a burden, but I am afraid that there are more backs.

In this regard, Jiang Wanan, the mayor of the Kuomintang Taipei Mayor Jiang Wanan, said on Saturday that Lin Zhijian had previously returned again, proved that the DPP did not recognize the wrong.

Jiang Wanan said that Lin Zhijian thought that as soon as the front and time passed, the people would forget, as if the boat had no traces of water, but the people were not so forgetful.position.