Chinese President Xi Jinping went abroad for the first time since the outbreak of the epidemic. From September 14th to 16th, he attended the Shanghai Cooperation Organization Summit held in Samalham and conducted state visit to Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan.Chinese State Councilor and Minister of Foreign Affairs Wang Yi said in an interview on the occasion of the end of the trip that President Xi Jinping's trip to Central Asia brings more stable factors to the international situation in the crossroads, and to open up the modernization of socialist modernization in comprehensive construction of socialist modernizationThe national new journey creates more favorable international conditions.

According to Xinhua News Agency, Wang Yi said that Xi Jinping's visit to the world's century -long change has accelerated, the crown disease epidemic has repeatedly delayed, the relationship between the great power was profoundly adjusted, the geopolitical conflicts spread, and human society faced many problems and challenges.EssenceThis interview will be held at the 20th National Congress of the Chinese Government. The land of Shenzhou is full of vitality, and the people of the whole country will work together.This is the first visit to President Xi Jinping since the epidemic. It is of great significance and special timing. It is a major diplomatic action adopted by the CPC Central Committee to coordinate the two domestic and international situation and facing the Asia -Europe continent.Important visit.

Wang Yi said that public opinion generally believes that President Xi Jinping's first visit after the epidemic has a significant strategic significance in Central Asia.Fully demonstrate President Xi Jinping's strong confidence and extraordinary influence, showing that China's international status and influence have been further enhanced.Under the environment of international storms and risk challenges, President Xi Jinping's trip to Central Asia adds more vitality to the Silk Road that runs through the Asia and Europe, and brings more about the situation in the international area of the crossroads.Stable factor creates more international conditions to start the new journey of building a socialist modern country in an all -round way, which fully reflects the leadership of the great country and the great pattern and responsibility to lead the times.

Wang Yi said that this year is the 20th anniversary of the SCO Charter, and it is also the 15th anniversary of the signing of long -term neighborly friendly cooperation between member states.Over the years, the "Shanghai Spirit", which has promoted mutual trust, mutual benefit, equality, negotiation, respecting diverse civilizations, and seeking common development. It has actively exerted the SCO in Eurasia and international affairs and made a contribution to SC.On the other hand, the contradictions between the world's unity and division, cooperation and confrontation are increasingly prominent. SCO's maintenance of regional peace and security faces many tests, and severe challenges in maintaining their own safety and stability.President Xi Jinping made an important speech at the Samalham Summit in the new situation, new tasks, and new difficulties faced by the co -organizations and members of the member states.Guide the development of the SCO organizational development, and put forward major initiative propositions on strengthening unity and promoting the future development of the organization.

President Xi Jinping profoundly summarized the successful experience of the SCO -adhere to political mutual trust, adhere to mutual benefit cooperation, insist on equal treatment, persist in openness, tolerance, and adhere to fairness and justice, pointing out that the "five persistence" fully reflects the "five persistence" that fully reflects ""Shanghai Spirit" is always the vitality of the SCO, and it is also the fundamental follow that must be adhered to for a long time."Five Persistence" is also a real multilateral practice. It is a transcendence of traditional group politics. It answers the question of what new regional cooperation should be promoted in the background of the new era and how to promote new regional cooperation.Construction and the development of the healthy and fair development of international relations are important guiding significance.

Regarding the future construction direction of the SCO, President Xi Jinping pointed out that in the new situation, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization as an important constructive force in international and regional affairs, we must be brave to face international changes, firmly grasp the trend of the times, and firmly grasp the trend of the times., Continuously strengthen strategic autonomy, consolidate and deepen unity, and promote the establishment of a closer community of Shanghai Cooperation Organization.President Xi Jinping put forward five suggestions for this, emphasizing that it is necessary to increase mutual support, expand safety cooperation, deepen pragmatic cooperation, strengthen humanistic exchanges, and adhere to multilateralism.Draw forward roadmaps and depict new prospects for cooperation for the SCO.

It is particularly worth pointing out that before the summit, more and more countries have applied to join the SCO.China and SCO member states have a coordinated and equal negotiation. At the summit, Iran is accepted as member states.Dialogue partner.The SCO Organization ushered in a new round of the largest expansion, consolidating and expanding the status and influence of regional cooperation organizations with the largest population and the most vast regional cooperation in the world, and once again showed the vitality, cohesion and attractiveness of the "Shanghai spirit".This expansion also fully stated that the SCO is not a closed -ended "small circle", but an open and inclusive "big family".

Wang Yi said that President Xi Jinping at Samalham should also have a bilateral meeting with the leaders of the 10 countries who attended the Shanghe Summit and attended the China -Russia -Mongolia three -party meeting.Among them, there are both old friends who have met many times in recent years, as well as new friends who have met for the first time. There are many issues, deep content, and solid results. It has played an important role in leading the development of bilateral relations and promoting regions and stability.Essence

President Xi Jinping met with Russian President Putin for the second face -to -face meeting since this year. It is also the first time that the China -Russia's heads of state have met in international occasions since the epidemic.The heads of state of the two countries actively evaluated the effective strategic communication that the two countries have maintained this year, saying that they will continue to support each other in involving the core interests of each other, strengthen coordination and cooperation within the multilateral framework, promote all parties to enhance unity and mutual trust, maintain the majority of development in the development of the majority of development.The common interests of countries and emerging market countries.

Wang Yi specifically pointed out that in response to the recent acts of minimalizing China's sovereignty and interfering in the Chinese internal affairs, the above -mentioned national leaders will actively reiterate that they will continue to adhere to the principle of China and firmly support the Chinese side.Stand on core interests such as Taiwan -related, Xinjiang, and Hong Kong.This once again shows that fairness and freedom.China has more help.

Wang Yi also mentioned that the leaders of all countries meeting with Xi Jinping's meeting with Xi Jinping took the initiative to wish the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China a complete success. They all expressed their confidence in China's development prospects.China's mutual mutual cooperation also looks forward to China more role in international affairs.Wang Yi said that President Xi Jinping's visit was based on the surroundings of Central Asia, facing the Asia -Europe continent, and the global changes. It was another successful practice and vivid manifestation of Xi Jinping's diplomatic thoughts.During the 10 years since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, under the strong leadership of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China with Xi Jinping as the core, China's foreign work has been struggling to overcome difficulties, and has achieved pioneering and historic achievements.In the new era, China always puts its own development in the grand coordinate system of human development, and constantly brings together the largest conventions of the interests of the Chinese people and the people of the world.The world, people's hearts.