
Northern Remember

Han Yonghong

Seven months later, China and Russia met again.However, at the same time and at this time, Chinese officials met with Russian President Putin in Uzbekistan this week, and the space -time environment was greatly different.

The last meeting of the two was Beijing when the Winter Olympics was about to open.At that time, the world was still guessing whether Russia would invade Ukraine. China has been under pressure from Western countries such as the United States and is working hard to hold a group with Russia and announce that bilateral relations are "not found".Right now, the Ukraine War has begun. Putin was regarded as a "public enemy" that western countries underwent international rules. Not only was it unprecedented sanctions, it was also lost on the battlefield recently and was in a retreat.

The most important difference is that Putin needs China more.Some comments and descriptions, Putin, the most vulnerable moment since the Kai -war of Russia, will treat China as a life -saving straw.Conversely, China also sees through this, and is more careful to grasp the delicate situation.On the one hand, China must maintain a strategic partnership with Russia's "back -to -back". If Russia falls, the firepower of Western countries will concentrate on China; on the other hand, if military or economically,Trigger Western sanctions against China and is not conducive to China's strategic layout in Central Asia.

The current situation is both dangerous and machine for China.

In fact, it has been clearly showed that Sino -Russian relations are not as hot as before, but a bit cold.For example, Russia revealed last week that Putin and Chinese officials met in Uzbekistan during the Shanghai Cooperation Organization Summit, but the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs did not want to confirm whether there would be any on Tuesday (September 13) this Tuesday (September 13)."Xi Pu Club".

Putin obviously needs to use the "Xi Pu Club" to promote internal propaganda to boost personal momentum and highlight Russia's continued support of China.The Klins also told the media that the Shanghai Cooperation Organization provided "another option" different from Western center agencies.China is also interested in creating non -Western -led international geopolitical organizations, but what role Russia plays in it is another question.

In the early days of this month, Li Zhanshu, Chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress of the National People's Congress, visited Russia. The full text of Chinese official statements did not see the word "Ukraine".It highlights China's actions of "understanding" and "support" Russia in Ukraine.A video spread to Twitter shows that Li Zhanshu told Russia's Speaker of the Russian country, Volokin, that the United States and NATO directly forced to the door of Russia.Give your strategy from different aspects. "

Some netizens believe that this has fallen into the saying that China supports Russia's war.Yang Jiechi, director of the Foreign Affairs Office of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, said on Monday (September 12) to meet the upcoming Russian Ambassador to China Jenisov, saying that China is willing to "make details and practice"."Just do it at the current level."

In fact, since the start of the war in Russia, China has always adopted a blurry or so -called "balance" position, especially for its military to support Russia, otherwise Russia will not buy weapons from Iran or even North Korea in the near future.Of course, China has also made a practical "response" to Russia. For example, the new energy contracts signed by China and Russia not long ago changed natural gas transactions to RMB and ruble payment.However, as a more powerful country, it will not become Russia's interest agents, but will maintain its own multi -faceted interests.

Evan Feigenbaum, vice president of Carnegie International Peace Foundation, analyzed that China's goal is to maintain consistent with Russia at the strategic level to resist the pressure of western countries such as the United States, but it does not support Russia at the tactical level to maintainChina's access to the international market is avoided by Western sanctions, and the relationship with other countries in Central Asia at the same time is avoided.Don't forget that the latter and Ukraine are the same as the former Soviet Union to join the Republic. They are all afraid of Russia and alertly observe how close China and Russia are.It can be seen that the "Xi Pu Society" is not the biggest focus of the first visit after the Chinese official epidemic, and the layout of the Central Asian strategy.

This is not the first stop, Kazakhstan's first station, Kazakhstan, was deeply disturbed by Russia's invasion of Ukraine and disclosed to Russia and kissed the West.Kazakh President Toccyev rarely stated in Putin in June this year, saying that he would not acknowledge the independence of Lugusk and Donetsk in the Wudong area.

China has also been farming with Central Asia for more than 20 years.In 2001, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, initiated by China and Russia, and the main purpose of anti -terrorism, anti -separation and extremism.The "non -free government" alliance in this Western commentator has become more and more influential in international geopolitics in recent years.In 2017, India and Pakistan also joined.With Iran's "admission" this year, the total population will account for 44 % of the world's, and the total economic volume will account for one quarter of the world.

However, Russia is the original boss in Central Asia. It is taboo that China has expanded influence in the local area. Now Russia is deeply trapped in the Ukrainian war and gives China an aggressive opportunity.It is proposed for 25 years, and the Zhongjiwu Railway, which has been unable to build due to Russia, has officially signed a documentation by China, Gilgistein and Uzbekistan, this Thursday (September 15). It is an example.

China is adopting a "two -handed strategy" to strive to balance in the contradiction between geopolitical interests and its political ideas, the purpose is to achieve its own interests.However, the politics of great powers will become more and more complicated as a whole. For example, India has joined the US -led India -Pacific Four Kingdoms on the one hand, and on the other hand, it does not cooperate with Western sanctions to purchase a large number of Russian energy sources.IPEF) Fighting back, this is also very unclear, it is also called a headache in the West?