(Chengdu Sanya Comprehensive News) The situation of China's crown disease has gradually slowed down. Under the "dynamic clearing zero" epidemic prevention policy, Sichuan Chengdu and Sanya, Sichuan, and Sanya, Sichuan, have announced the release of seal control.

According to the official WeChat account "Chengdu Release" of the Chengdu Municipal Government News Office, on Wednesday (September 14) in the evening, because the current outbreak situation in Chengdu is generally controllable, smooth and better, it is decided to use it on Thursday (September 15).From 12 noon, adjust the prevention and control measures of Jinjiang District, Shuangliu District, High -tech Zone, Qingyang District, Jinniu District, Wuhou District, and Chenghua District.Essence

The Sichuan Provincial Congress with more than 20 million residents announced on September 1 that the city's "principle home" was announced. At present, except for some streets, the whole region has been unsealed.

However, the notice also emphasized that space closed entertainment venues and public cultural and sports venues will continue to be suspended, and schools and kindergartens in the city have also suspended their return to school.At the same time, a round of nucleic acid testing was carried out on Thursday in the six districts of the central city area. On the first day of the residents of the city, the city's residents also needed a 24 -hour nucleic acid negative certificate.

Eight new diagnosis cases and 14 asymptomatic infection cases were added on Wednesday in Chengdu, and the total number of new cases for two consecutive days was less than 50.

As for Sanya City, which entered the whole region's static management since August 6, the official announced on Thursday. The city was officially unblocked from 12 noon on Thursday., But indoor entertainment venues and restaurants have been suspended.

This tourist hot spot is one of the hardest hit areas of China's epidemic. From August 1st, a total of 6592 confirmed cases and an asymptomatic infection case from 9054 were notified.

China National Health and Health Commission notified that China has added 126 local confirmed cases and 823 asymptomatic infection cases on Wednesday, and the total number of new cases has been added in the fourth consecutive day.

On the other hand, some Chinese and local media said that the deputy director of the China National Disease Control and Control Bureau Chang Jile said that "dynamic clearance" will be persisted as a basic national policy.Some users posted that the content was "serious and unrealistic", and the content of the rumor was also reprinted by Chinanews, Caixian, Shenzhen Evening News, etc.

However, Chang Jile's September 7th press conference was indeed a strong "dynamic clear zero" policy quoted by the article.the best".