Chinese media refers to "dynamic clearing zero has become the basic national policy" belongs to rumors.

The "Fengwen" website under China, published an article from "Rumor BOT" on Wednesday (September 14), refers to some local media and medical industry self -media, including some local health and illnessThe new media account of the control department stated that dynamic clearance will be persisted as a basic national policy for a long time, but "this statement is serious."

Related manuscripts said that the above statement comes from the mouth of Chang Jile, deputy director of the National Disease Control Bureau, at the press conference of the State Council on September 7.

However, the "rumor BOT" article quoted information that the press conference on the day was not organized by the State Council, but one of the "China Ten Years" series of theme press conferences.The theme is the development of health and health undertakings since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China.

According to the documentation of the text, Chang Jile responded to the questions from the Singapore Straits Times reporter.The reporter asked at the time: "It has been three years since the outbreak of the new crown epidemic. Does China's current 'dynamic clear zero' policy conflict with the opening of the economy?The Chinese people have inoculated the vaccine. Does China intend to change their policies and coexist with the virus? Is there a related time framework? "

Chang Jile responded that the current global epidemic is still at a high level, and the virus is still constantly.Mutations, the understanding of coronary virus and disease is still in the process of deepening, there are still many uncertainty, and the risks and threats brought by the epidemic still exist."We must handle the short -term and long -term, local and overall relationships with unwavering strategic determination. Because of the time, the situation is continuously optimized and controlled policies and measures to efficiently coordinate the prevention and control of the epidemic and economic and social development."

Chang Jile's answer did not appear that "dynamic clearance has become the basic national policy".