According to comprehensive reports of Bloomberg and Red Star News, in the loose measures released by local governments, at least 24 cities allow children to purchase houses to withdraw their parents' housing provident fund account balances, and parents can use them asCommon repayment people participate in repayment.

(New York / Chengdu Comprehensive News) After the Politburo meeting required a stable real estate market in July, local governments have released at least 70 real estate easing measures to resolve the housing market crisis.In some areas, state -owned enterprises are also encouraged to acquire slow -selling housing.

According to comprehensive reports of Bloomberg and Red Star News, in the loose measures issued by local governments, at least 24 cities allow children to purchase houses to withdraw their parents' housing provident fund account balances, and parents can participate in repayment as co -repayers.

Jiangsu Nanjing, Suzhou and Wuxi and other second -tier cities will reduce the down payment rate of the second house by up to 20 percentage points; Hebei Langfang will cancel some purchase restriction measures, including the ban on purchasing real estate in non -local residents; ShanghaiIt is said that it will relax the restrictions on house purchase in the new area of Lingang.

Jinan Huzhou and other places encourage state -owned enterprises to acquire slow -selling houses

It is worth mentioning that Shandong Jinan and other places encourage state -owned enterprises to acquire slow -selling housing.The bidding documents released by the official website of the Jinan SASAC on September 5 show that Jinan City Development Group asset management company will acquire 3,000 commercial housing in Jinan City for leasing reserve housing. The source of the project funds is self -raised funds.Public information shows that the above -mentioned home purchase company is a wholly -owned functional enterprise in Jinan City.

Anjuke data shows that the average price of new houses in Jinan City in September is 14,399 yuan per square meter (RMB, Same as S $ 2904).The Group's asset management company intends to acquire 3,000 commercial houses, or it costs 3.981 billion yuan.

Related topics have triggered warm discussion among netizens.At present, the article has been withdrawn from the official website of the Jinan State assets Commission.

In addition to Jinan, Huzhou, Zhejiang has also launched similar policies.Huzhou City issued documents on August 15 to encourage the acquisition of state -owned enterprises as a slow -selling house for real estate companies in difficult real estate enterprises.

So far, China's $ 2.4 trillion (S $ 3.37 trillion) new housing market has almost no signs of recovery.Buyers broke off their confidence in consumer consumption, and house prices have been further under pressure, which has fallen for 11 consecutive months.The housing market then dragged down China's economic growth, and the growth rate of China's GDP in the second quarter dropped significantly to 0.4%.

The Chinese central government did not directly introduce stimulus measures, but acquiesced to the local government to relax real estate austerity measures.In late August, the Chinese State Council asked the local government to make good use of the special debt deposit limit to support the demand for rigid housing.