The Executive Meeting of the State Council of the Chinese State Council decided to approve the second phase of Zhangzhou Zhangzhou and the first phase of the Nuclear Power project of Lianjiang, Guangdong to ensure absolute safety.

According to the China News Agency, the State Council of the State Council, Li Keqiang, hosted the executive meeting of the State Council on Tuesday (September 13).

In order to improve energy guarantee capabilities and promote green development, the meeting decided that the approval of the second phase of Zhangzhou, Fujian, Fujian, and the first phase of Nuclear Power projects in Lianjiang, Guangdong.Strengthen the supervision of the whole process to ensure that construction and operation are all lost.

In addition, the meeting proposed that the manufacturing industry is the foundation of the real economy, and the current difficulty of the market is relatively difficult. It is necessary to increase the efforts of bailout policy in accordance with the deployment of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council.For the "five taxes and two fees" such as small and medium -sized enterprises, individual industrial and commercial households, and individual industrial and commercial households, the "five taxes and two fees" will be delayed by four months after the expiration of the period from September 1, involving a slow tax of 440 billion yuan (the same is the same as the same as the RMB, the same belowAbout 88.8 billion yuan).At the same time, the new value -added tax deduction of the manufacturing industry will be refunded, and the average time of the account will be reduced to two working days. It is expected that the tax refund of 32 billion yuan will be refunded for manufacturing enterprises in the next four months of this year.

The meeting decided to update the transformation equipment in the fourth quarter for the manufacturing, service industry, social service areas, small and medium -sized enterprises, individual industrial and commercial households, etc., and support national commercial banksActively invest in medium- and long -term loans.According to 100%of the loan principal, the People's Bank of China provides special re -loan support for commercial banks.The special re -loan quota is more than 200 billion yuan, and the actual needs are met as much as possible.At the same time, the policy has been implemented. The central government has a discount of 2.5%for the loan main body. The actual loan cost of the loan main body of the renovation equipment in the fourth quarter of this year is not higher than 0.7%.

The meeting proposed that we must stabilize foreign trade and foreign capital.The first is to support the preparation of orders to expand the market.Strengthen the use of energy, employment, logistics and other guarantees of foreign trade enterprises, and fully support it if necessary to ensure performance.Accelerate the use of special funds for foreign economic and trade development.Strengthen service guarantees such as exit participation and discussions.The second is to promote the greater development of new foreign trade formats, and to set up a new number of cross -border e -commerce comprehensive experimental zones, etc., and greater efforts to support overseas warehouse construction.The third is to improve the port collection and transportation efficiency, and ensure that import and export goods are quickly transferred.Guarantee the stable supply chain of the industrial chain.Continuously cleaning out of port services is unreasonable.The fourth is to strengthen the guarantee of factor and promote a number of key foreign -funded projects to land as soon as possible.Further facilitate the entry and exit of foreign companies' business, technical personnel and family members.Fifth, the responsibility of compacting with foreign trade provinces, and better play the role of picking beams. Relevant departments must strengthen coordination and services.

The meeting also proposed that China's electronic appliance industry has a large scale and a lot of employment. It is necessary to use the "decentralization service" reform measures to stimulate greater vitality.The first is to cancel compulsory certification and telecommunications equipment using low security risks and mature technical conditions, and facilitate products to enter the market.The second is to comprehensively clean up the unreasonable restrictions on the listing of manufacturing products, and optimize the simplified production permits under the premise of ensuring safety.Streamline the assessment and certification of energy saving, green, and build a national unified certification system.The third is to compact regulatory responsibilities and do a good job of supervision of the safety of life and property.