The revenue of the box office of Chinese film from September 10th to 12th has 373 million yuan (RMB, the same below, about 75 million yuan), a year -on -year decrease of 25.36%;%.This is the minimum box office at the same time since 2018.

According to, the professional version of the lighthouse film gives the above data.Affected by a new round of crown disease epidemic, many theaters in China were suspended again.The professional version of Cat Eye Film shows that as of September 11, the total number of Chinese business theaters was 8,682, with a business rate of 70.68%, which is equivalent to the level of the epidemic period in Beijing and Shanghai in mid -May. It is also a new low in business theaters since the summer.During the Mid -Autumn Festival holiday, there was no box shopping output in Tibet and Hainan. The operating rate of Xinjiang and Qinghai theater was less than 10%, while Sichuan, Tianjin, and Heilongjiang were less than 40%.

It is reported that a total of 12 new films are released in the Mid -Autumn Festival this year, and the theme of Yingjing occupies the majority, including brother, hello, her, mother in the world!The end of the sea is the grassland, and I still think you are the best.In the currently released film, mother!At the end of the sea is the grassland or think that your best Douban score is above 7.0, which is the middle and upstream level of nearly three months. However, due to the niche type and style, the box office appeal is limited.

Douban rated 5.7 points, hello is the only new film in the box office during the schedule, winning the championship with 144 million yuan, and the schedule accounts for 30%.

Disposal between the Mid -Autumn Festival and the Chinese National Day holiday, the market will enter the off -season, and the new Mid -Autumn Festival new film will still end in the next period of time.This week, eight new films will be released, which will be absent from the large amount of commercial films, including the temporary passenger of the plot film chasing Jiulan. I want to be with you hot soup with you, cartoons chasing dream teenagers and so on.