Wu Guanghui, chief designer of China C919 large passenger aircraft series, announced that the C919 will soon obtain a airworthiness certificate and be delivered to the first customer China Oriental Airlines.

According to China Surging News, Wu Guanghui, the chief scientist of China Commercial Aircraft Co., Ltd., announced this information at a event in Shanghai on Thursday (September 15).

Chinese COMAC announced on August 1 that all the test flight tasks before the C919 evidence obtained, which means that C919 is getting closer and closer to the goal of investing in commercial operation.

China First Financial reported earlier that the two C919 passenger planes flew from Shanghai to Beijing Capital Airport on the 13th, mainly preparing for evidence collection.

The 21st Century Economic Herald quoted sources as saying that according to the current plan, on September 19, the Chinese Civil Aviation Administration will issue a check -in certificate for C919, which means that C919 will be able to carry out commercial orders to deliver the order of commercial orders.Essence

C919 is a large -scale jet civil aircraft developed in accordance with international civil aviation regulations and has independent intellectual property rights. It has received 815 orders from 28 customers.