(Nur Sudan / Beijing Comprehensive News) Chinese official Wednesday (September 14) arrived in Kazakhstan for state visit.This is the first visit to the first visit to China since the outbreak of the crown disease.

Xinhua News Agency reported that Chinese officials arrived at Nur Sudan, the capital of Kazakhstan on the afternoon of the 14th local time, and Kazakhstan President Toccyev greeted himself.

According to Agence France -Presse, both leaders wearing masks, and both sides and honor guards also put on masks.

China Central Television News Client reported that Chinese officials said in talks with Toccerv that the first visit to the crown disease chose Kazakhstan, showing the "high level and particularity" of China -Kazakhstan relations.

Chinese official said that Kazakhstan is a country with important influence in the majority of Central Asia and Eurasia. China attaches great importanceComplete and firmly supported Tocaev's reform measures to maintain the stability and development of the country, and resolutely opposed any forces to interfere with the internal affairs of Kazakhstan.

This year is the 30 years of establishing diplomatic relations between China and Harbin.According to the Kazakh International News Agency, Tocaev said that the official visit of China is of great significance, and the joint statement of the two parties marks the beginning of the 30 -year gold of bilateral relations.During the talks, China and Kazakhstan discussed on issues such as transportation, logistics, food industry and agriculture, and cross -border rivers.

Kazakhstan is an important partner of China in Central Asia and is rich in minerals, metals and energy resources.Chinese officials delivered a speech at the University of Nazarbayev, Kazakhstan, Kazakhstan in 2013, saying that Kazakhstan was a place where the ancient Silk Road went, and proposed to jointly build the "Belt and Road".Voice of Germany quoted Jadin, a researcher at Washington think tank in Washington Think Tank in the United States, said this is an important part of China's official "foreign policy heritage."

After visiting Kazakhstan, Chinese officials will have a state visit to Uzbekistan. From the 15th to 16th, they will attend meetings at the Corcular Council of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization of Shanghai Cooperation Organization held in Uzbek Samalham.

The SCO was established in Shanghai in 2001. There are eight member states, including Russia, four Central Asian countries -Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan -and India and Pakistan.Iran will sign a document to join the SCO at the SCO Summit.

The Wall Street Journal quoted Chinese officials last month that the signal released by China ’s official visit to Central Asia is to build a closer security relationship with non -American allies as a fortress against the West to curb the Chinese fortress.

China -Russia leaders meeting is the point

The biggest highlight of China's official foreign visit will be the meeting of China and Russia leaders.Kremlin officials said at a hair dryer on Tuesday (13th) that Putin would meet with Chinese officials on Thursday, and the two will discuss Ukraine and Taiwan issues.During the Beijing Winter Olympics last time, the two issued a joint statement at the time, emphasizing "the partnership of not being capped."

The New York Times analyzed that Russia has recently lost on the Ukrainian battlefield, and Western sanctions have made China's support particularly important, while the Beijing side will still be cautious.According to analysis, China hopes to show its strength in the competition with the United States, and at the same time does not allow Russia to fail to be ashamed, but provide a lot of help to Russia. Whether it is economy and military, it may trigger Western sanctions.

The 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China will be held in mid -October.The Wall Street Journal reported that it was only a few weeks before the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. At this time, Chinese official visits showed that he was confident in his political influence within the CCP.

Xinhua News Agency reported that this time the official visit to China is Ding Xuexiang, director of the General Office of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, Yang Jiechi, director of the Office of the Foreign Affairs Working Committee of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, Wang Yi, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Minister of Foreign Affairs, Vice Chairman of the Chinese CPPCC, and StateHe Lifeng, the leader of the Development and Reform Commission, and He Lifeng.