Sanya City, Hainan Province, from 12 noon on Thursday (September 15), will be lifted for temporary static management in the whole region.

According to the WeChat account of "Sanya Release", the Sanya Epidemic Prevention and Control Work Headquarters issued a notice saying that after comprehensive research and judgment, the headquarters decided to release temporary static management in the whole region from now.Life order.

After lift the temporary static management of the whole domain, Sanya will open up supermarkets, shopping malls, barber shops, restaurants (not open halls) and other business places to open outdoor public places, allow express delivery and takeaway operations, restore the area in the areaBus, rail trams, private cars, taxis, online car rental, etc.

However, the cinema, bar, KTV, Internet cafes, chess and card rooms and other indoor closed operating venues are not open for the time being, will not open the farmer's market for the time being, and will not open fishery production for the time being.The city must not hold clustering activities such as offline meetings, training, performances, exhibitions, exhibitions, and square dances.Palace homes, children's welfare houses, supervisors, etc. are implemented in closed management.The red affairs are eased and the white things are simplified.

In addition, Sanya will retain the community (village, residence) to enter and exit the bayonet. Personnel will enter all kinds of public places and take public transportation with 48 hours of kernel acid negative proof, cleaning point code, and temperature.Wait for 48 hours of nucleic acid negative proof.On the first day of return to the job, a 24 -hour kernel acid negative certificate must be held.

According to the notice, the Sanya High -risk Zone will strictly implement the "no households and on -site services", and the mid -risk zone will strictly implement "people who do not get out of the zone and the peaks."Headquarters of Tianya District and Jiyang District Epidemic Prevention and Control Work Department has carried out risk research and judgment on communities (villages) in high -risk zones since September 12, and decide the scope and measures of the management and control in accordance with the "one district, one policy".