According to the official WeChat public account of the Hubei Women's Federation on November 21, on the afternoon of November 19th, BolgantuyaThe leader of the Mongolian People's Party Women's Politician delegation visited the Hubei Women's Federation to conduct a face -to -face exchanges with Xiao Hongmei, the party secretary of the Hubei Women's Federation on the practice of promoting women's development and protecting women's rights and interests in Hubei.Liang Wei accompanied the visit.

The information shows that Xiao Hongmei has been the secretary of the Party Group of the Hubei Women's Federation. Earlier, Xiao Hongmei served as Deputy Secretary of the Political and Legal Committee of the Hubei Provincial Party Committee. On November 5 this year, the Organization Department of the Hubei Provincial Party Committee issued a cadre public announcement. Xiao Hongmei intends to serve as the provincial group organization.Xiao Hongmei (Data Map Picture Source: Huanggang Municipal Party Committee Political and Legal Committee) According to public resumes, Xiao Hongmei, female, Han nationality, born in January 1969, graduate student of the Provincial Party School, member of the Communist Party of China.Xiao Hongmei has worked in Xiaogan City for a long time. He has served as deputy head of Yunmeng County, member of the Standing Committee of the Xiaochang County Party Committee, Minister of Propaganda Department, Deputy Director of Xiaogan City Business Bureau (China Merchants Bureau), Chairman of the Women's Federation of Xiaogan City, and Party Secretary of the Party Group. In 2011, Xiao Hongmei was appointed as the mayor of the city, and in 2016, he was the secretary of the Yingcheng Municipal Party Committee. In 2018, Xiao Hongmei was transferred to the deputy director of the Hubei Provincial Comprehensive Management Office.The former secretary of the Party Group of the Hubei Provincial Women's Federation, Deng Changqing, was born in April 1966. He used to be the secretary of the party group and executive vice chairman of the Hubei Provincial Federation of Literary and Art Federation.