In response to the "Arctic Catfish" Grandpa, the former "Arctic Catfish" for half a year, Zhong Gengci, the former Director of the Freight Management Branch of the Shenzhen Transportation Bureau, was expelled from the Communist Party of China.The article said that greed is difficult to curb, often leading to incorrect family style; the corruption of the family style will inevitably promote leading cadres in the corruption quagmire.Party members and cadres and their families should pay attention to the construction of family tutoring and family style, innocent, diligence and frugality, clean -up, and integrity.

The article says that the woman with a web named "Arctic Catfish" has previously attracted continuous attention of public opinion.During the investigation and punishment of more than six months, the masses, especially many netizens, have high concern to the investigation process of the case.The Shenzhen Municipal Discipline Inspection Department finally found out that Zhong Geng had seriously violated the party's political discipline and integrity discipline, and constituted serious duties of violations, and should be dealt with seriously.

The article pointed out that Zhong Geng was retired in November 2007, and 16 years later, he was still severely punished by party discipline and state law.Regardless of how deep and hiding the corruption, the corruption can end up with the eyes of the masses and cannot escape the punishment of the party discipline and state law.Party members and cadres must always be self -evident and self -employed, and strictly prevent the transformation of ideas to start good.Conversely, relaxation of its own requirements, touching the red line of the party's discipline and national law, it is inevitable that the evening festival will not be guaranteed, and the reputation is defeated.

The article says that greed is difficult to curb, and often leads to incorrect family style; the family style is corrupt, and it will inevitably promote leading cadres in the corrupt quagmire.In the ridiculous remarks of "Arctic Catfish" on the Internet, the serious family style problem is evident.

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the central government has incorporated the construction of leading cadres into the scope of style construction, and institutionalized through the form of intra -party regulations.Yanjiajiao and Zhengjia style are not only moral norms, but also the requirements of discipline and law. They should also become the consciousness of members and cadres of the Communist Party of China.Whether it is party members and cadres or their families, they must pay attention to the construction of family tutoring and family style.Essence

At the end of the article, the clue of corruption that holds the concerns of society is to the end and find out that the credibility of the party and the government is not only the expectations of the masses, but also the key part of the anti -corruption struggle.It is still an important test of anti -corruption results.Zhong Gengci was punished according to law according to law, and a clear signal was passed -retirement was not a amulet.

At present, anti -corruption swords have continued to suspend high, the means of supervision continues to be enriched, the accuracy of supervision has continued to improve, and the efforts to investigate and punish are increasing.The majority of party members and cadres should be in awe of the party's discipline and national laws, consciously promote the cleanliness of cleanliness, and be the leader, creator, and maintenance of a good political ecology and social atmosphere.