A few days ago, the Shenzhen Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection conducted an investigation and investigation of the issue of serious violations of discipline and violations of Zhong Geng, the director of the Freight Management Branch of the Shenzhen Municipal Transportation Bureau.

After investigation, Zhong Gengci was dishonest and unrealistic about the party, and repeatedly staged a confrontation with organizational review; took the opportunity to collect money and engaged in profit -making activities in violation of regulations; without approval, part -time paid for illegal regulations; using job convenience to seek benefits for others and illegally received others.

Zhong Geng has seriously violated the party's political discipline and integrity discipline, and constitutes serious duties of violations, and should be dealt with seriously.According to the relevant regulations of the Communist Party of China, the People's Republic of China Supervision Law, the People's Republic of China, and the Public Officials of the People's Republic of China, the Government Affairs Affairs Law of the People's Republic of China, etc., after review by the meeting of the Standing Committee of the Shenzhen Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection, it was decided to give Zhong Geng to the expedition to the party.; Obtained its disciplinary illegal income.

Zhong Geng Give Resume

Zhong Gengci, male, Han nationality, born in November 1947, Bao'an, Shenzhen, college degree, joined the work in February 1968, and joined the Communist Party of China in June 1971.

He has successively served as deputy director and director of the Futian Branch of the Shenzhen Municipal Transportation Bureau; the director of the Luohu Branch of the original Transportation Bureau of the Shenzhen Municipal Transport;Retired in November 2007.

After the results of the investigation of the Arctic Catfish are not publicly disclosed, the official accounts of the Shenzhen Transportation Bureau banned netizens from commenting

Recently, the Shenzhen Municipal Transportation Bureau made a non -disclosure response to the investigation of the Internet users' application to open the Arctic Catfish, and soon caused the public to notice the promise of the relevant situation in a timely manner for 5 months ago.Credit discussion.Yangzi Evening News/Zi Niu Journalist noticed that from September 13, after a public response caused heated discussions, the official account number of the Shenzhen Municipal Transportation Bureau was asked by netizens.Multiple official accounts that can be reviewed have closed the comment section or selected comments.Earlier, netizens' comments have also been hidden, leaving only hundreds of thousands of reading data and praise for forwarding data.

The reporter's investigation found that the official WeChat public account, Weibo account, Douyin account, and today's headline accounts of the Shenzhen Municipal Transportation Bureau were unable to comment.Among them, we can see that the latest closure of the comment area is the official Douyin account in Shenzhen.At noon on the 15th, some netizens commented that the results of the Arctic catfish incident were asked. In the afternoon, the reporter tried to comment in the comments in the afternoon that the account had only allowed the author to comment.

On March 24th, the Shenzhen Municipal Transportation Bureau reported the situation of the Corruption of the Communications Bureau's Grandpa's corruption on the Weibo account of the Northern Catfish of the Weibo account.The report stated that after the verification, the parties mentioned by the wealthy remarks were Zhong Moumou, the cadre of the Bureau of Freight Branch of the Bureau, retired on November 30, 2007. The remarks were indeed released by the retired cadres.The Shenzhen Municipal Transportation Bureau stated that it has been checked on relevant information and will report the relevant situation in a timely manner.

At that time, some netizens questioned whether the traffic bureau could really find out problems and timely and transparently to the society to investigate the results.As a result, with the attention of many netizens, the Shenzhen Municipal Transportation Bureau closed the comment area of social accounts until April, and it was not open until netizens' attention was reduced.This situation has happened again.

In June, Zi Niu Journalist called the Shenzhen Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection. The wiring staff wanted the reporter to understand the demands of the Arctic catfish investigation, and no staff responded to the reporter.On September 15th, Zi Niu Journalist called the official supervision hotline of the Shenzhen Municipal Transportation Bureau. The wiring staff once again registered the request of the reporter's situation. For the reporter's proposal, it would definitely give the response question. The wiring staff did not respond positively.It is indicated that the relevant departments will reply.

After completing the registration and hanging up the phone, the reporter received a text message from the Shenzhen Citizen's Political Affairs Services Hotline Hotline. The beginning of the SMS wrote: The people call it, and I should respond.The SMS indicates that the related issues have been submitted successfully, and the fast horse is handled with a whip, and it also provides a way to query the processing progress.Zi Niu journalists will continue to pay attention to the investigation of the incident.

Yangtze Evening News/Zi Niu Journalist Chen Ran