A senior official of the White House in the United States said that the United States is expectedSoonly conduct formal nuclear control negotiations with China, but the United States hopes that both parties can start discussing practical and feasible measures to reduce risks.

Reuters reports that Praanay Vaddi, a senior official responsible for military control and proliferation affairs, told the Washington Think Tank Strategy and International Research Center that Preliminary Military Reserve Control talks with China last November is of great significance, but he emphasized that negotiations involving the situation involved in China and the United States requires key decision-making in China.Participants of influential people.

Wadi said: "We know that China and the United States will not soon enter the formal military control negotiations. We know that their nuclear arsenal is still under construction."

He said, "In terms of military control, we really hope that China can respond to some more substantial suggestions we put forward. We are still watching their attitude."

China and the United States held the first nuclear military control talks in nearly five years on November 6 last year, but the meeting did not achieve specific results.

Wadi said that Washington hopes to maintain an open communication channel with Beijing, and the military control talks in November is important, "but we want to make real progress on these issues."

He also mentioned that the discussion of military control can be bilateral or involved five permanent members of the United Nations Security Council.The standing members of the Security Council are the United States, China, Russia, the United Kingdom and France.

Wadi said: "Just holding a meeting alone does not meet our interests. We believe that there must be a practical channel that specifically solves these problems.We have found some problems."REL = NOFOLLOW TARGET = _Blank> Military Talks , this is the latest contact since Sino -US restoration of military contact.