中国大陆解放军东部战区星期四(5月23日) It was announced to carry out exercises around Taiwan, and released the traditional character combination of the Yuehai Killing instrument, showing the J-20, 052D destroyers, Dongfeng missiles and other machine ships and weapons, saying that these are the "independent" artifacts of Taiwan independence.

The Eastern theater of the PLA released six posters on the WeChat public account, showing the J-20, J-16, 052D destroyers, 071 dock landing ships, Dongfeng missiles and far-box fires, and attached "Jian Feng's view of "independence", "锁 chain lock alone", "arrow rain clearing independence" and other traditional text.

The Eastern Theater emphasized that Taiwan independence and Taiwan Strait and the peace and fires were not allowed. The officers and soldiers of the theater were waiting.Country, the long sword of the wind and the sword "

The Eastern theater announced earlier that from May 23 to 24, the troops such as the army, the navy, the air force, the Rocket Army and other troops were organized to launch the" United to the United States and other soldiers.Sword -20124A "exercise.

The CCTV News published a comment article on Military Express on Thursday, describing the exercise as a move to safeguard national sovereignty and territorial integrity, and is a resolute punishment for Taiwan's provocative behavior.

Lai Qingde Monday (May 20) In his inauguration, he emphasized that cross -strait is not affiliated with each other.