(Dubai / Baghdad Comprehensive) continued to appear in the Middle East with the Harbin conflict overflow effect, and the regional situation deteriorated sharply.The Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guard launched a missile on Monday (January 15) to attack Israel's "spy headquarters" in the Kurdish region of Iraq, and combats the stronghold of the "Islamic State" in Syria.

The Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guard issued a statement saying: "The atrocities launched by the Jewish Repeated stateist regime in the middle of last month have led to the killing of the three revolutionary guards and a senior general (Muzavi) ... as a counterattack, Iran was located in"(Israel Intelligence Agency) Mosad spy headquarters launched missiles in the Kurdish region. "

The Security Council of the Iraqi Kurdish Autonomous Region issued a statement on Tuesday (16th) that Iran launched a number of missiles on Monday night to attack the Cordon capital Erbil, causing at least four civilians and injuries.

Iraq has condemned Iran to attack Elbil, saying that this is a blatant violation of the Kurdish region and Iraqi sovereignty.Israeli officials have not commented on this.

A person familiar with the Ministry of Safety of Kurdish said Elbil came up at least six huge explosions on Monday night.According to reports, a missile fell at the house of a Kurdish senior intelligence official, and another missile attacked the Kurdish Intelligence Center. The drone was shot down at the Elbil Airport.

In addition to Iraq, Iran also launched an air strike on the "gathering place of the Iraqi Organization Commander and Major Personnel" in Syria.Iran said this was to fight back the two suicide explosions at the Cemetery of the Revolutionary Guard in the Cemetery of the Revolutionary Guards on January 3.

U.S. State Department spokesman Miller accused Iran's "reckless" attack, which will destroy regional stability.Watson, a spokesman for the White House National Security Council, said: "The missile launched by Iran hit northern Iraq and northern Syria.

The French Ministry of Foreign Affairs also issued a statement accusing Iran's violation of Iraq sovereignty.The statement said: "This is an unacceptable and worrying aggression, and it is also a stable and security attack on Iraq and its domestic Kurdesttan." The statement accused Iran's moves that caused regional tensions to upgrade.