(Khan Niyos / Jerusalem Composite) Some US media reported that Israel, the United States and Hamas have reached a preliminary agreement on the release of hostages, but the Israeli Prime Minister Natanho and US officials denied it.Israel announced that the ground operation of Gasha entered the second stage. After conquering the northern part of Gaza, Israeli was turning the goal to the south.

Washington Post on Saturday (November 18) quoted the informed reporter that according to the six pages of Huroes Release Agreement text, the parties of the Harbin conflict will suspend the battle for at least five days, and Hamas will release at least 50 women and children in batches every 24 hours.The performance of the agreement will be monitored by a high -altitude monitor.

It is reported that if there is no accident, Hamas may start to let people start in the next few days.It is reported that the outline of this agreement was discussed in negotiations in Qatar in the past few weeks to suspend the battle to allow a large number of humanitarian assistance to enter Gasha.

However, Neitanhu denied the report at a press conference on the Cabinet on Saturday night.He said: "There are many rumors and incorrect reports about the hostage issues. I want to clarify: so far there is no agreement to reach."

The White House National Security Council spokesman Watson also posted on social media X stated: "We have not reached an agreement, but we are continuing to reach it." Another US official also told Reuters that there is no current no hostage to release hostages.protocol.

The Kasan Brigade of the Hamas Armed School said that it lost contact with the unit responsible for the hostage, but did not explain the number of disappearances.This may add difficulty and unknown negotiations about the release of hostages and prisoners.

The National Security Council Middle East and North African affairs coordinator Magcker said on Saturday that the hostages must be released first, so that the war can be suspended significantly, so that Gaza can get large -scale humanitarian rescue.

Hamas Health said on Saturday that since the outbreak of the conflict on October 7, Gaza has died 12,300 people, including more than 5,000 children.

After the Army conquered the northern part of Gaza, it was turning the goal to the south. Nei Tanahu , "To the press conference on Saturday," arrives on Saturday's press conference, "To the press conference on Saturday,:" To the press conference on Saturday, "To the press conference on Saturday," To the press conference on Saturday, "To the press conference on Saturday," To the press conference on Saturday, "To the press conference on Saturday:" To the waySo far, our war has achieved great results: we have eliminated thousands of terrorists and senior commanders and destroy their administrative centers and tunnels. We will continue to do so and we will continue to advance. " Nei Tanahu did not explain whether Hamas leaders were hidden in the south of Jiasha, and only said: "We will find them. All leaders of Hamas will be dead."

Israeli Defense Minister Gandz said at a press conference that the ground operation of Israel in Gaza has entered the second stage."The place where Hamas can move is shrinking ... Those people in the south of the Gaza Strip will soon understand this."

Reuters quoted Hamas and local residents that Hamas militants were still stubbornly resisting in some areas in northern Gaza, and a fierce battle broke out in Jabalia's refugee camps in the north in the early morning of Harbin Sunday morning.The Israeli Army called on residents of several Jabalia communities to "for your safety" to take refuge in the south, but in fact, the southern and central regions of Gaza also continued to suffer air strikes.

Palestinian medical staff said that Israel's Saturday night's air strike in the two refugee camps in central Gaza, causing 31 people to die.Khan Nidus, the main cities in southern Gaza, suffered an air attack overnight, causing a pair of mothers and daughters to die.

In order to end the conflict of the Harbin, Arab and MuslimThe Minister launched a diplomatic visit on Monday (20th), and China was the first stop.

Arab and Muslim leaders held a joint special summit earlier in Liade, and Saudi Arabia Foreign Minister Fasal said at the end of the week that foreign visits were the first step in implementing the summit decision."The first stop is China, and then in other countries. We must immediately announce the ceasefire to let the assistance enter the clear information of Gasha."

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Mao Ning Sunday (19th) confirmed that the joint delegation of the Arab and Muslim National Foreign Ministers will visit China on Monday and Tuesday (21st). The Chinese side will promote the currently cooling down to cool down, andProtecting civilians and impartially solving Palestinian issues in -depth communication and coordination.