In Japan with aging population, the increase in the increase in the elderly alone is an unstoppable trend.According to the Institute of Welfare and Population Issues of Social Welfare and Population, in 2040, there will be as many as 8.96 million residents over 65 years of age in Japan, accounting for more than 40 % of Japan's older population, which means that the tragedy of "loneliness and death" will continue to continueStaged.There are no less than 30,000 lonely deaths every year. Unmanned relics, relics, and "remains" (also known as relic houses) that are inherited in inheritance have become a major burden on local administration in Japan.

A 30 -year -old Hidei Kami is an employee of a Japanese relics and cleaning service company. Her job is mainly to clean up the houses and relics for the resident who died at home.For eight years, she has seen the scene of dehydrated loneliness. When she cleaned up the relics for the deceased, she gradually started thinking about the increasing social problem in Japan.

Kobashima said in an interview with Lianhe Morning Post: "There are a case of 30,000 lonely deaths in Japan each year. There are no less than 300 lonely dead remains in the year of loneliness.Self -killing, when someone was discovered, it may be several days, several weeks, or even several months. "

This kind of case must be removed after the police investigated, so that the relic cleaner can enter the house to work.Koima said: "This is an unpopular industry, just like the funeral instrument who gave people, the difference is that they are responsible for sending off for the remains, and my job is to see the relics of the deceased."

After work, the island will make a miniature model to draw the lonely dead remains in the remains of the remains.Among them, there are messy rooms accumulated in the mountains, there are simple tatami rooms with furniture, and some Japanese solitary residents in the cold winter toilet cushions on the hot shock of the hot shock.

Her model is fine, showing the details of the poverty -stricken lonely dead as power saving, unplug the toilet warm cushion plug.According to her observation, many lonely and older people in Japan lived in a life -centered life because they were tortured by some kind of chronic diseases.So the room where they died quietly, they could always see the food that was stacked around the bed.

Kojima Mika is a relic cleaner, she has seen the kind of lonely death scene.In order to urge people to think about this social issue, she made the lonely dead scene she had seen into a micro -model.(Provided by the respondent)

Xiao Island gathered the photos of these models into books in 2019, and the title of the book is set as a room where time stops.This is because whenever she stepped into the room of the dead dead, she always looked at the clock in the deceased's room subconsciously, lamenting that the clock hanging on the wall had already stopped.

Looking at the micro -model works in the island book, each scene is distressing.Kojima said: "After a long time after death, the body will overflow the body fluid. If it is dying in the bed, it will penetrate the quilt and gradually become brown. The discovery time is later, and the body fluid will penetrate the floor.Wooden houses, more than half a year after death, will even penetrate into the ceiling downstairs. My job is special than ordinary cleaners, because it is not only the rotten food left in the house left by the deceased, but also the body smell left by the corpse."

Island Mika's relic room model makes people look a glimpse of the lonely old age of Japanese old people.(Provided by the respondent)

Kojima also encountered a lonely -living person who left a suicide note on the table, and pasted a large "sorry" on the wall with rubber paper.Komushima wrote in the book: "The proportion of suicide in loneliness and death is very large. They have a common feature that they will clean up the house neatly before suicide.

"I speculate that when people decide to go on the road, they may still miss their loved ones and want to try not to bother the people who do the aftermath. In order to prevent their body fluid from soaring on the floor, they will also spread them on the ground.A blue grass mat. However, what makes people feel heartache is that they do not consider bidding farewell to bring endless pain to their loved ones. "

Lonely death comes from various social classes.The island had been to a luxury apartment to clean up the relics for the deceased, and the clean and beautiful house impressed her.

Kobashima said: "The homeowner is sitting and dying. Because of the qi of the apartment building, the corpse taste is not easy to leak, so he was found to die for a long time. It is speculated that it is about one month.Although wealthy, he also embarked on the path of loneliness. I want to tell people that loneliness is not necessarily limited to poor groups. "

Choose to live alone, unwilling to trouble the next generation

Children's self -standing portals in an adult is a common phenomenon of Japanese society. Living alone after the widow has become a matter of course.There are many funerals who live alone in the old mansion in Toshima -ku, Tokyo. Yamada Kamada, 75, is one of them.After he retired at the age of 67, he originally wanted to open a bakery with his wife. Unexpectedly, after purchasing a bread machine, his wife found that he had cancer and died in less than half a year, leaving him alone to keep the empty room alone.

Although there is a son, Yamada has never thought of living with children.He talked to the United Zard reporter: "I have a 100 -square -meter independent room. After my wife died, the family was cold and cleared. I finally lived in a small room less than 20 square meters.Getting more and more isolated and suffering from depression. "

Home Visit Nursing System Borrowing the Slutarian Survey of Living alone

"Regardless of whether the rich and the poor, do not want to trouble the next generation is the characteristics of the elderly in Japan, so there will be more and more elderly people like me."

In order to take care of this group, the Japanese Social Welfare Department establishes a home visits nursing system in various communities. According to the physical condition of the elderly, doctors and nurses come to the door.In some people with rare smoke, this system plays a small role, and it is becoming more and more important.

Yamamoto Shinoshi, who has been a nursingist in Yamamoto County, Chiba County, said in an interview with Lianhe Morning Post: "This job makes me deeply feel cold on earth.Still happening. Children can only come back to visit the elderly once a week to live hard. When people are old, they are weak, and no one says that they will tell others one day ... I have opened the door countless times to see the door. SeeThe old man is dying. "

Yamamoto believes that when the elderly are difficult to go out, they will become more likely to speak. They keep the empty room alone and are very lonely.Yamamoto said: "There is a task in the nursing service to send us to pour garbage for the weak alone elderly people. Although this service is only 20 minutes, it is very important. We can understand their diet from the discarded food. Nursing work can work.Not only do you change diaper and bath for the elderly, but also observe their health. If they can foresee that they need to be admitted to the hospital, we will report quickly. "

The services provided by Japan for the elderly have taken care of housework from medical care.Nursingists are like the old man's nanny and the guardian of life.Japan is planning to expand this social security network. In more areas, there are contact networks with doctors, nurses, nurses, and social workers in more areas, so that the elderly living alone can be seen by the community and will not die alone.

Japanese Media: "Excretonous" becomes an old -fashioned social issue

With the popularization of Japanese declining childization and core families, single families have increased, and lonely in Japan is a phenomenon that is difficult to reverse in Japan.Statistics from the Japanese Cabinet Mansion found that the loneliness of the prosperous capital Tokyo increased significantly, from 2913 in 2010 to 4,238 in 2020.

Most of these deceaseds are in the age of 60 to 70. They live in apartments, and rarely have interpersonal relationships with the neighbors.According to official surveys, 50 % of the residents of this age are worried that they will die alone one day.

Lawyer Saito Hiroshi, a lawyer who is responsible for lonely dead, said in an interview: "People over 70 or 80 years old are no longer the main group of loneliness and death.Most of them are encouraged to enter the elderly facilities.

"Many of the livers in Japan are widoweds in their 60s and singles who do not marry for life.

A comment published in October this year, calling on the society to pay more attention to the "isolated death" problem behind the death of the resident.Exciences refers to weak relationships with family and neighborhoods, isolating from society, "death after being isolated", so it was discovered after a long time after death.Comments believe that this is the biggest problem in Japan's aging society.

The remains of the remains cannot be disposed of dragging down the local administration

The increase in lonely deaths means that there are more and more houses waiting for handling and no heirs. This not only creates difficulties to the apartment management committee, but also brings heavy financial and human burdens to Japan's local administration.

According to the official newspaper of the Japanese Cabinet Mansion, in the 10 years from 2013 to 2022, there were 45,820 unmanned remains in Japan. Investigation showed that Tokyo was the Japanese city with the largest remains, followed by Osaka.

The Japanese Broadcasting Association NHK a few days ago, he pulled the team to Osaka to take a 30 -year -old apartment unit.After the unit's 60 -year -old hostess died three years ago, the house kept being vacant.The apartment management committee has waited for three years, and her heirs have never had a message.

During this period, the units owed house management fee of 1.5 million yen (about S $ 14,000).The apartment management committee consulted the lawyer for this, but was told that the house could not be sold. As a result, the apartment management committee could only pay for the arrears of management costs and lawyers.

In Osaka Town, there is even a specialized real estate management unit specializing in the real estate management unit, which has now solved the inheritance of 116,000 houses.

The legal procedures involved in houses that no one claims are very complicated. The courts who have been contacted by the death of the court will find people who are related to "inherit the property liquidator".This can be a relative who has not been in contact with the deceased for a long time, or it may be the creditors of his life, or those who have taken care of him before his illness.If such a person cannot be found, it can only be auctioned by local administrative commissioned lawyers in the end.

The prices of some ladies in the suburbs of Japan have plummeted because there are many remaining remains that cannot be sold.In the 1980s and 1990s, the Japanese economic bubble period was built at that time.After the economic bubble ruptured, many elderly people lived in the venue and bought the apartment.After their death, most of these apartments have been empty, and many of the management roster says "property rights abandon".

The Japanese media revealed that some resort apartments built in the 1980s after the foam economy fell, and some elderly people lived in the old man after the foam economy broke down in the 1980s.After their death, no one inherited the apartment, causing a series of problems.(Photos of File Management Department of Tangzecho Property Management Department of Niigata County)

Osaka Housing Management Office, who has managed such properties, said in an interview with Lianhe Morning Post: "Find the heir to catch a needle like a sea. We searched for the birthplace of the deceased.Echo. Maybe, they are reluctant to carry this mess, so these unmanned industries and relics will only increase. "

It is understood that relatives and future generations are unwilling to claim their remains. Many of them are worried that their apartments will become "negative assets". They must continue to bear high management and repair fees.Some people are also worried that after inheriting the products, they must bear the debt of the deceased.

Even if the descendants are willing to take responsibility, it is not easy to deal with the remains of the remains.Kudo Ghana (43 years old), who is doing the funeral for his uncle, told Lianhe Zaobao: "As his only relative, I received a dish after receiving the notice of the police.Settlement, so the house cannot be sold at present. "

Kudo Ghana's uncle was in his early 60s. He was a single man and died of a heart attack and died at home.Kudo Ghana said: "Because he died at home, his apartment was regarded as 'accident property', so it was difficult to sell even if it was sold."

Scholars urge people to make a will early

Fujima Kato, a professor of the Osaka Economic Law University who studies the old house, analyzes the Morning Post: "Japanese family relationships are changing, and the problems arising behind independent are spreading. The problem of loneliness may also occur at 30 or 40 years old.Middle -aged single. In this case, the heirs or older parents. "

Fujima Ogille calls on people, whether it is law or personal heritage and relics, it is necessary to explain clearly during their lifetime.

Kanagawa Yokosuka City allowed the elderly to live in the "mutual aid" to do a funeral to the unmanned alone dead.The local area is also set up in the local area to keep the bone of no one.(Provided by the Ministry of Welfare of Yokosuka Social Welfare)

Some parts of Japan, such as Kanagawa Prefecture, have begun to visit by home visits to encourage ages and single residents to set up their will early.

In order to reduce the burden of funerals and handling relics for them in the future, Yokosuka City has charged 260,000 yen to each residential citizen from 2015 as the "mutual aid" for the aftermath.As of March this year, 124 people joined.There is also a small ashes in the local area to keep the remains of no one.

Kita Jianwan, an official who participated in the establishment of this mutual aid mechanism, said in an interview: "We have already handled 54 people. If there is not this mutual aid, the municipality must allocate more than 10 million yen as a cremation fee.This is a small extra expenditure. "

After having a mutual aid mechanism, the staff will also visit the elderly living alone.A 88 -year -old solitary grandmother in Yokosuka told Lianhe Zaobao reporter: "People are old, even if they are good, their brains will never be clear, and their eyes will not see.Looking at the official document, this makes me like a solitary person like me. "