According to the medical staff of Gaza, the Israeli army launched an air strike on Saturday, and many residential buildings were blown up and at least 32 people died.This shows that the Israeli army advanced to the south after the Army captured the northern part of Gaza, and continued to chase Hamas militants.

The Israeli military has warned the war on Friday that the war may be expanded to southern Gazha. Satellite images (pictured) of American Space Technology Corporation Maxis Technology showed that on the same day, a large number of people from Gaza City gathered and waited for evacuation.

The Junjun also ordered the Grandic Hospital of Gasha City to evacuate all personnel in one hour.Western reporters saw that hundreds of people evacuated from Higher Hospital, including patients, amputations, doctors and nurses.The president of the hospital said that he had previously received a call from the Israeli military and ordered the hospital to clear the hospital and ask him to ensure that everyone went to the seaside.According to the Ministry of Health of Hamas, there are still 120 injuries and unknown premature infants in the hospital, and some medical staff voluntarily stayed to take care.

On Friday, the army also ordered the civilians of Khan Yunice, a southern part of Gaza to migrate to the west.The United Nations warned that the Israeli warning of the Israeli repeatedly issued the evacuation warning may force Gaza civilians to migrate, resulting in the severe local The humanitarian crisis deteriorates further .Hamas said that the offensive against Gaza has killed at least 1200 people in Gaza for more than a month, including 5,000 children.(Reuters)