U.S. President Biden said that the attack on Israel's attack on Israel was "pure evil" and emphasized the US support for Israel.

Reuters reported that Bayon delivered a speech on Tuesday (October 10th) in the White House on Tuesday (October 10th) after the third time in the past four days.

Bynden said Hamas's established purpose was to "kill the Jews", and he called on Israel to comply with the war law in a counterattack.

Biden said that Hamas threatened to execute hostages, including the survivors of the Nazi Holocaust, which violated the "every human moral standards."He said Hamas's brutality and "bloodthirsty" reminded people of "the worst riots in Islamic State."

Biden said: "This is terrorism. Sadly, this is not new for Jews." He said that this reminds people of anti -Jewish and racial extinction against Jews.

He told Neiaho that if the United States was attacked, "our response will be rapid, decisive and overwhelming", but democratic countries will also abide by the rule of law during the war.

Biden said that 14 Americans have died in the attack so far and confirmed that some Americans were held by Hamas, and he expressed concern about it.

The White House National Security Consultant Sha Liwen told reporters at another press conference that they believed that 20 Americans had disappeared. It is unclear whether these Americans were deducted as hostages.

On the other hand, the Israeli military said on Tuesday that the first military aircraft carrying American ammunition has landed in Israel.

Bynden government announced earlier that it will transport new air defense systems, ammunition and other security assistance resources to Israel to help Israel fight back Hamas.