(San Francisco Composite Electric) The Consulate General of the Chinese Consulate General in San Francisco, California, USA was hit by a car.

On Monday (October 9th), local time, a man with unknown driving blue Honda rushed into the Chinese Consulate General in San Francisco, the United States.Witnesses at the scene said that the man of the accident also shouted "where is the Chinese government."

According to a statement issued by the police, after the car rushed into the document hall from the entrance of the consulate, the police who received a notification rushed to the scene and contacted the man in the accident.A picture circulating on social media shows that the police removed the driver's door, and people escaped from the consulate.

A few hours later, Kathryn Winters, a spokesman for the San Francisco Police Department, said at a press conference: "Police officers came into contact with the suspect after entering the scene, and the suspect later died in the hospital."

A student who applied for a visa in the consulate at the time said that the security personnel took back the hands of the man's hands behind him afterwards, and he saw a knife.Shortly after the police officer arrived, he heard two shots.Another witnesses said that after the shooting, a man seemed to be full of blood and "obvious reaction" was carried on the ambulance with a stretcher.

San Francisco police said that when the collision was unable to confirm how many personnel in the consulate were, the police were coordinating with investigators of the US State Department to understand the motivation of the men's crime.

The Consulate General has been arson and graffiti

Because they were worried that there might be bombs, the police sent the technicians and explosives to sniff the dogs to search.The Consulate General had been arson outside the museum, and last year, it was also graffiti outer wall.

The Consulate General was temporarily closed until it was notified separately.The Chinese Consulate General states that it will reserve the right to investigate the incident and submit a serious negotiation to the United States, asking for the truth to investigate the truth immediately.

In addition, China also urged the United States to take all necessary measures to ensure the safety of the Consulate General and the safety of the house in accordance with the provisions of the Vienna Foreign Relations Convention Convention in Vienna's Consular Relations.

The spokesman for the consulate said: "The behavior of the man in the accident poses a serious threat to the consulate staff and the lives of the people at the scene, and also cause serious damage to the facilities and property of the consulate, and the nature is extremely bad."

It is understood that Chinese officials may go to San Francisco next month to attend the Asia -Pacific Economic Cooperation Summit. The White House confirmed that US President Biden might meet with him.Just a few hours before the attack, the Chinese official just met Shu Mo, the leader of the majority party of the United States Senate, to pave the way for the permits that might be held next month.