The Palestinian Armed Forces Hamas has launched the largest scale of .In addition to military facilities, Hamas attacks 27 places other than the Gaza Strip.Target = _blank> slaughter , including more than 200 participants in a music festival.They also abducted more than 100 Israelis as hostages.

, and in just 48 hours300,000 reserve soldiers were called and threatened to eliminate Hamas.

Why did Hamas launch a large -scale attack at this time?How will this war rewrite the geopolitical pattern of the Middle East?

Han Yonghong and Eba Researchers and Cross-border Antubitled Schola Research Scholars and Cross Boss in Canada.Free reporter Wang Guanyun analyzed the Pakistani conflict.

Wonderful fragment

Research scholar and transnational free journalist Wang Guanyun: The war or conflict between Baza will stop.Israel must stop illegal occupation, and their racial isolation policy must be stopped. Otherwise, even if the Israeli really massacre today, all Hamas people have been eliminated, but the same thing will be the same.Another time.No one can live in the case of killing day and night, and then can't get up to resist.

In this issue (click the bookmark in the player, you can jump to the corresponding chapter):

  • 01:39 The reason why Hamas started war
  • 08:52 The beginning and end of the Baza conflict
  • 21:28 The Geopolital Patient in the Middle East

Looking at the world and monitoring China's heartbeat, Podcasts talk about the west theory , discuss international hot topics every week, and analyze international current political dynamics.At 7 pm Singapore time on Tuesday.