North Korean leader Kim Jong -un was invited by Russian President Putin. On Sunday (September 10), he led a number of core military officials to board the green special ranks to Russia.

The green train dedicated to this column is called "Sun", with about 10 to 15 cars.Compared with the speed of 320 kilometers per hour of the Japanese Shinkansen bullet train, comprehensive data of all parties, the "Sun" trains wrapped in layers of heavy bulletproof armor can only be slow at a speed of 40 kilometers to 60 kilometers per hour.The ground is moving towards the destination.

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Comprehensive train information disclosed by Korean media in 2009, each carriage of the "Sun" is thousands of pounds heavier than ordinary compartments.The ceiling and floor inside the carriage are paved with iron pieces. Even the glass windows that view the beautiful scenery are also made of bulletproof.

It is reported that from the time of the late leader of North Korea, Kim Jong Il, each travel of the leaders used three trains, which are preliminary safety trains, leaders trains and additional bodyguards and supply.

Hundreds of safety personnel in advance trains will be responsible for ensuring threats such as no bombs in the station in front of the leader train to the train station, as well as the safety of testing the track.In addition, military helicopters and military aircraft are accompanied by leader trains.

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Due to the slow driving speed of the "Sun", the carriage service is extremely particular about the comfortable journey comfortable.

In 2001, Konstantin Pulikovsky, a Russian military commander who traveled to Moscow in Moscow in 2001, said in his memoir that passengers can "click on Russia, China, South Korea, South Korea, South Korea, South Korea,Japanese and French dishes ".

Plikovsky said that in order to ensure the freshness of the ingredients, the DPRK would even air the live lobster air in the train, and it would also be directly transported from the world's top red wine in Paris, France.

In addition to enjoying wine and food, there are entertainment programs for passengers to spend time on the train.It is reported that when Kim Jong Il will ask a group of gorgeous female artists to sing songs in Korean or Russian.

The three generations of the grandfather and grandchildren of the Jin family prefer to travel by train

Throughout the history of the Golden family, the three generations of leaders prefer to choose to travel by train. This tradition is believed to be founded by Kim Jong -un's grandfather and the late leader of North Korea.

After the death of Kim Richeng in 1944, the North Korean regime was transmitted to Kim Jong Il's hands.After being afraid of the plane, Kim Jong Il had only taken a train to travel.Kim Il Sung died of a heart attack on the train in December 2011.

However, Kim Jong -un's travel tools are not limited to the train.In June 2018, Kim Jong -un arrived in Singapore by Boeing 747 passenger plane in Air China, and held his first meeting with the then US President Trump.