(London Composite Electric) British Secretary Hunter said that Britain "very serious" at an attempt to deal with any subverting British democratic process, but the spy dispute with China that is constantly upgrading highlights the need for diplomatic dialogue with Beijing.

The British police confirmed last weekend that arrested two men who were suspected of being engaged in spy activities in China./A>, this incident prompted members of the ruling Conservative Party to urge the Prime Minister Sunak government to take a tough position on Beijing.But China denies the matter.Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Mao Ning said at a regular press conference on Monday (September 11) that the so -called Chinese statement of the so -called Chinese labels on the United Kingdom is purely unbelievable, and the Chinese side resolutely oppose it.

British Treasury Secretary: Sino -British differences must be discussed through dialogue

Hunter interviewed Bloomberg TV during his interview with New Delhi that the British government was very confident to maintain the structure and operation of the national democratic system, but did not want other countries to try to interfere with it.

When the visiting visitor asked if Sunak still met with the Chinese official, Hunter replied: "Of course. Diplomacy is to talk to everyone, and the United Kingdom will always understand this."

Hunter shows that dialogue must be discussed to discuss the problems of differences between China and Britain.

The British police reported last Saturday (9th) that in March this year, they arrested two men on the grounds of suspicion of violating Article 1 of the 1911 official Secret Act.According to media reports, one of the suspects in the 20s is a researcher at the British Parliament. He is a British and worked in China.

Sunak last Sunday (10th) when attending the Summit of the New Delhi Group (G20) summit, he held a bilateral meeting with Chinese Prime Minister Li Qiang and expressed concerns about Chinese democracy in China.

Sunak promises to defend British democracy and security to the parliament

After the above incident, the British Parliament demanded that the Sunak government threatened China more tough to China to rise to Britain.Sunak's Monday (11th) assured the parliament: "We will defend Britain's democracy and security."

People familiar with the matter revealed that Britain has asked China to attend an artificial intelligence summit this fall.Sunak's spokesman refused to confirm the news, but now there are already some Conservative MPs who ask the government to cancel the invitation to the Chinese side.

Iain Duncan Smith, who had been sanctioned by Beijing's sanctions, pointed out that Sunak was "weak" against China, and as a result, "China penetrates all our institutions from university to parliament."