(Washington Composite Electric) US officials revealed that the Bayeng government may soon approve a long -range missile with a bundle bomb to Ukraine, which will give Kiev's ability to go deep and hit the Russian control area.

Reuters on Monday (September 11) quoted four US officials to report the news.Three of the officials said that in recent months, after the United States saw that the Ukraine successfully used the 155mm artillery shells to launch a bundle bomb, it was considering providing Kiev's Army tactical missile system (ATACMS) with a range of 190 miles (306 kilometers), or the range 45Miles, a guided multi -tube rocket system (GMLRS) equipped with a bundle bomb.

At present, the Ukraine has a 155mm artillery with a maximum of 48 small bombs and a range of 18 miles.The United States considers ATACMS to launch about 300 or more small bombs, and GMLRS can launch up to 404 clustering ammunition.Although the Ukraine also has a 45 -mile GMLRS, this GMLRS can only launch tungsten fragments and cannot fire small bombs.

Two officials said that the Bayeng government hopes that the Ukraine's counterattack will make progress at a critical moment to assist the Ukraine to increase its combat power.The United States may provide two systems: ATACMS and GMLRS at the same time. If they are approved, they can be quickly shipped to Kiev.

But officials pointed out that the United States did not make the final decision, and the plan could still fail.Ukraine has repeatedly demanded the Bayeng government to provide ATACMS to destroy the Russian army's supply routes, Air Force bases and railway networks in Russia -controlled regions.

The White House refused to comment on this report.

Putin: It will not bring changes, it can only extend the conflict

Russian President Putin on Tuesday (12th) to provide ATACMS to Ukraine, and Western countries are about to bring F-16 fighter Send to Kiev to express criticism.He said in the Oriental Economic Forum held at the Foradivostok: "They are going to deliver the F-16, will this change anything? I don't think so, this will only extend the conflict." Putin said that there have been 71,000 soldiers casualties since the counterattack of Ukraine, but the counterattack has "no results."He said that Ukraine might have to wait until the resources are exhausted before they are ready to hold peace talks with Russia.

He also said that if the two parties have suspended the fire, Ukraine will take the opportunity to supplement resources and restore the army's combat effectiveness.This shows that Russia is expected to be a long war.

According to Putin, 270,000 people in Russia have joined the army in the past six months, and there are currently 1,000 people signed a contract to join the army every day.

Ukraine seems to be preparing for long -term combat.President Ukradiski said in a national speech on Monday: "Although today is the 565th day of the war, everyone must focus on defending the country as early as the beginning of the war."

He said that Russia hoped that Ukraine would not be able to bear it all, so Ukraine must stand firm.He emphasized: "We can't let anyone weaken Ukraine."

At the same time, Alahamia, the chairman of the People's Public Servant Parliament of Zellennki, said at Telegram: "From the New Year, Ukraine will have to turn to the budget of the war."He said that the government can no longer spend money on "pebbles, stadiums, tennis courts and other garbage projects", but uses money on defense and weapons.

Ukraine is seeking to join the European Union and NATO, and a series of reforms must be carried out for this.German Foreign Minister Berbque pointed out at Kiev on Monday that Ukraine still has a long way to go in the implementation of anti -icon and cracking down on corruption.