Scho Mo, the leader of the majority party of the United States Senate, plans to lead the two -party parliament delegation to visit China, Japan and South Korea.

Reuters reported that Shu Mo's assistant said on Tuesday (September 12) that the Congress delegation will start soon.In recent months, many senior officials of the Bayeng government, including the Minister of Commerce Raymond, have visited China. Raymond Doro just visited Beijing and Shanghai last month.

Punchbowl News reported earlier reports that the delegation led by Shumo may be in October.

The Democratic Party's Shu Mo has repeatedly urged the U.S. government to take a stronger position on China.In May this year, he proposed the China Competitive Act 2.0, which aims to fight against China's increasing influence, hoping to strengthen the ability of the United States to fight against China in terms of science and technology, security, and Taiwan.

The new bill is an extension of the chip and the scientific law passed last year.The Shu Mo and the Democratic Party said that the China Competition Act 2.0 will restrict technology to China, prevent conflicts between mainland China and Taiwan, and tighten the rules to prevent US capital from flowing to Chinese companies.

The few cross -party consensus in the United States Congress, which is a long -term division of China's tough routes. The chips and scientific law passed last year received the overwhelming support of the Democratic and Republican Party.