(London Composite Electric) in British Foreign Minister Clefoli > On the occasion, the British Congress issued a report, and for the first time, Taiwan was called "independent country".China pointed out that the report "reversed right and wrong" emphasized that "Taiwan is an indispensable part of Chinese territory."

On Wednesday (August 30), the Government Committee of the British House of Commons, issued an evaluation report on the government to India's Pacific Tilt Policy, which wrote: "Taiwan is an independent country, the name is the Republic of China.Including the permanent population, the clear scope of territorial territories, the government, and the ability to establish a relationship with other countries -just lack of wider international recognition. "

Alicia Kearns, chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Rules Conservative Party, pointed out that this is the first time that the British Congress report made such a statement.She told the news website "Politico" European edition: "We recognize China's position, but (committee) does not accept this position. British foreign ministers should firmly support Taiwan, indicating that we will safeguard Taiwan's self -determination."

British officials: sovereignty cannot be obtained through violence or coercion methods

Cainens said: "Such a commitment not only meets British values, but also can send a sharp information to the dictatorship all over the world, that is, sovereignty cannot be obtained through violence or coercion."

Wang Wenbin, a spokesman for the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, said at a regular press conference on Wednesday that the report publicized Taiwan as an independent country as a reversal right and wrong, confusing black and white.He said that Taiwan is an inseparable part of China's territory. A Chinese principle is recognized as recognized as international relations and is also the political basis of Sino -British relations.China urges the British Congress to abide by a Chinese principle, international law and international relations criteria, effectively respect China's core interests, stop sending wrong signals to the Taiwan independence split forces, and perform the political commitments made by the British party on the issue of Taiwan with practical actions, and maintain Sino -British relations on the issue of Taiwan.Healthy and stable development.

This 87th report also refers to the British government's boldness in supporting Taiwan. It calls on Britain to formulate sanctions with allies to prevent Beijing from taking military operations and economic blockade against Taiwan.The report recommends that London and Tokyo and Taipei cooperate, especially in the field of network and space defense capabilities, and urge the government to promote Taiwan to join the cross -Pacific partners' comprehensive progress agreement (CPTPP).


Committee also criticized the British government's strategic confidentiality in China, saying that if the British tilt policy proposed in 2021 is successful, it is necessary to adopt a more coherent and consistent position on China.The report said: "Germany has released a strategy to China, and the British government obviously can also announce a public strategy to China to provide the guidelines they seek for public and private sectors."

Report urges the British government to take a stronger position


Report also urged the British government to take a tougher position to respond to China's "transnational target" behavior in the UK. Such behaviors include harassing objections and sanctioning British lawmakers.

The British Sunak government positions China as " Epoch-made systemic challenges , this report describes that China is "a threat to the interests of Britain and the United Kingdom", saying that China has an increasingly aggressive attitude towards Britain.

The Commission urges Britain to develop "deterrent diplomacy" and strengthen the toughness in the fields of defense and security with allies.The report states that the United Kingdom must expand the alliances such as AUKUS (Aukus) and other alliances, and join the Australian, India, Japan, and the United States.