The U.S. Department of Defense plans to deploy thousands of drones in the next two years to compete for the advantages of the number of Chinese military and military equipment.

Agence France -Presse reported that the Deputy Minister of Defense Kathleen Hicks on Monday (August 28) at a military science and technology conference held on Monday (August 28) pointed out that Beijing's main advantage is large -scale military power, and it is more.Many ships, more missiles and more personnel, the United States will use its own large military forces to fight against the large -scale military power of the Chinese PLA, but the US military power will be more difficult to plan, it is more difficult to fight, and it is difficult to defeat.

She mentioned that the goal of the United States is to deploy thousands of "consumed independent systems" in multiple regions in the next 18 to 24 months.

The United States believes that China is a huge challenge for the United States and is seeking to avoid conflict with Beijing, especially in terms of Taiwan.