The government of US President Biden has approved foreign military financing plans that are usually used for sovereign countries to carry out military transfer to Taiwan.

Reuters reported that according to the notice issued to Congress on Wednesday (August 30) on Wednesday (August 30), the U.S. State Department intends to use the Foreign Mility Financing (Foreign Mility Financing (about 107 million yuan) of up to $ 80 million (about 107 million yuan).Referred to as FMF) funds to support Taiwan.

This notice says: "FMF will be used to strengthen Taiwan's self -defense capabilities through collaborative joint defense capabilities, enhance the awareness of the sea area and maritime security."

The Republican Chairman of the US House of Representatives and Republican Michel Mccaul, a Republican Commission of the US House of Representatives, said that he was glad that the government "finally" provided FMF to Taiwan.He said: "These weapons can not only help Taiwan, protect other democratic countries in this region, but also strengthen the deterrent situation of the United States and ensure that our national security is not threatened by the Chinese government (CCP)." FMF is the largest military assistance account managed by the US State Department. It mainly provides gifts to foreign governments based on the planning of foreign military sales plans to purchase US defense equipment and military training.

An official of the US State Department confirmed the notice issued to Congress, and said that the decision to provide FMF assistance to Taiwan did not reflect any changes in the US policy.