Iranian Foreign Minister Abdullahiyan said after meeting with Saudi Arabia's Foreign Minister in Liade that the negotiations between the two sides were successful and the work of the two countries had made progress.

Iran and Saudi Arabia seek to end the hostile relationship and strengthen cooperation.Reuters reported that Abdullahiyan said on Thursday (August 17) at a joint press conference held with Saudi Foreign Minister Fergaar: "The relationship between Tehran and Saudi Arabia is on the right track. WeWitnessing is progressing. "He added that" the talks were successful. "

The trip to Saudi Arabia in Abdullahiyan was the first time that the two countries had broken diplomatic relations for seven years, and Iranian foreign ministers visited Saudi Arabia for the first time.Saudi Foreign Minister Ferra met with Iranian officials in Tehran in June.Under the mediation of these two regional opponents in March, Agreement .

According to this agreement, Tehran and Liadou agreed to repair diplomatic cracks and rebuild their relationship after many years of hostile years. The hostile relationship between the two sides endangers the stability of the Persian Gulf, Yemen, Syria and Lebanon.

In 2016, the protesters attacked Saudi Arabia's Embassy in Tehran to regenerate a well -known Shiites clerk, and then Saudi Arabia broke the relationship with Iran.

Abdullahiyang said: "We conducted a good discussion on extensive issues at today's meeting."

Fasal said that Saudi Arabia hopes to see Iranian President Laich at the invitation of Saudi Kings Salman.He passed the invitation when he visited Tehran in June.Rich said he would go to Saudi Arabia at the "appropriate time".

Fergaar shows that Saudi Arabia is keen on implementing all the main points in the Chinese mediation agreement, whether it is an economic or political plan, and adds that the ambassadors of the two countries will be reorganized after their respective ambassadors.

Iran reopened the embassy in Saudi Arabia in June and held a flag raising ceremony.Iranian media reported on August 9 that the embassy has resumed operation, but Liad officials have not confirmed the news.

According to the Iranian media, Iranian diplomats were quoted on Sunday (13th), and the Mashhad Consulate in the second largest city in Iran has officially resumed consular activities from the 12th.

China News Agency reported that under the mediation of China, the representatives of Saudi Arabia and Iran held a dialogue in Beijing from March 6th to 10th this year.relation.On April 6, the two sides signed a joint statement, and the two countries announced that .