(Washington Composite Electric) The US State Department said that the upcoming US -Japan -South Korea summit summit aims to deepen the relationship between the Three Kingdoms, and should not be regarded as a "provocation" for China.

U.S. President Bayidon, Japanese Prime Minister Kishida Wenxiong, and South Korean President Yin Xiyue scheduled to be on Friday (August 18).= NOFOLLOW TARGET = _Blank> Hold a Three -Party talks in the David Camp in the United States .This will be the first time that foreign leaders have visited the David Camp since 2015. It is also the first time that the United States, Japan and South Korea have held a summit alone outside the international conference.

At a routine press conference at the US State Council's deputy spokesperson, Patt, was asked at a regular press conference at Tuesday (15th). During how China views the David Camp Summit, "There is no reason to treat this summit as a provocative, or any form of incitement.The tension. This summit is to deepen our partnership and cooperation in some fields. We believe that the three countries have common interests in these fields. "

Aiming at the Chinese media criticized the US, Japan and South Korea, the summit is to try to establish a "mini NATO" in Northeast Asia. Patt said: "The purpose of this summit is to allow the world of freedom and openness to the Pacific region of Pacific India, India.Countries with a common vision come together. This is a region that connects each other, people and goods can flow appropriately. All countries can choose their own path without coercion. "

Brinkeng: The cooperation between the United States and Japan and South Korea will enter the "New Era"

U.S. Secretary of State Brillings held a video conference with Japanese Foreign Minister Lin Fangzheng and South Korean Foreign Minister Park Zhen on Tuesday to discuss the topic of this summit.Blingken said at a press conference at the State Council afterwards that the historic summit marked the cooperation between the United States and Japan and South Korea to enter the "new era".

Brintken pointed out that the current region and the world are facing the test of geopolitical competition, including climate crisis, war in Russia's invasion of Ukraine, and nuclear military provocations.The strengthening of contact with the United States, Japan and South Korea is one of the efforts to revitalize, strengthen and consolidate alliances and partnerships.

He said: "This helps to realize the common vision of freedom, openness, prosperity, security, toughness, and connecting each other. In such areas, countries can freely plan their own path and find themselvesPartners, handle the problem openly, and implement the rules transparently, and the rules of implementation are placed fairly. Commodities, ideas and personnel can move legal and freely. "

Brinken described that Japan and South Korea are "core ally" in Asia and the world in Asia. Strengthening trilogy cooperation is essential to contribute to the people, regions and worlds of the three countries.

Asked Japan intends to discharge Fukushima nuclear treatment water into the sea Whether it will destroy Japan and South Korea's settlement, he said that Japan's plan is safe and meets international standards, "we are satisfied with this."

Agreement to strengthen cooperation to deal with North Korean threats

Brinken predicts that the summit may launch "specific initiatives" on security issues, humanitarian aid cooperation, the use of emerging technologies, and expanding civil exchanges.

South Korea ’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs said that Brinkens and Lin Fangzheng and Park Zhen agreed at the video conference on Tuesday that the summit would become an important milestone in the United States, Japan and South Korea cooperation, and decided to continue to cooperate closely to ensure the success of the summit.

The three parties reiterated that they should cooperate closely with the North Korean issue and agreed to respond to the threat of North Korea ’s nuclear guidance and provocations to strengthen the three -sided security cooperation.The three also were The Russian and Ukraine War Discussion.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan said that the three foreign ministers welcomed the progress of the three countries' cooperative relations, and agreedVery important.