(Washington / Seoul Composite Television) The US -Japan -South Korea leaders will hold a summit on Friday (August 18). According to Reuters, US sources reports that the three countries will launch a series of scientific and technological and defense cooperation initiatives at the meeting.

At the invitation of US President Biden, Japanese Prime Minister Kishita, and South Korean President Yin Xiyue will go to the David Camp in Maryland, USA to attend the Three Party Summit on Friday.Senior US officials who are unwilling to be named said that the summit was unlikely to reach a formal arrangement on the cooperation between the three countries.

One of the U.S. officials said that the three countries will take some measures to pull into the relationship between each other in the field of security and "strengthen our collective security", but there is still a long way to go to completely establish a three -party security framework.He said: "We are taking action to ensure that each other understands the responsibility for regional security. We are also promoting the collaboration with the defense of new areas and ballistic missiles. These technical fields are very important."

It is reported that the summit joint statement will include content that maintains peace and stability of the Taiwan Strait and may be concerned about China's desire to change Taiwan's status.The wording of paragraphs still needs to be negotiated, but it will be consistent with the past positions of the United States to avoid raising the tension with Beijing.

White House official: The United States wants to "institutionalize the Three Kingdoms"

The former White House official, a former White House official who is a strategic and International Research Center, said that the United States wants to "institutionalize" the cooperative relationship between the Three Kingdoms while the United States wants to fight against the iron and fights.It is difficult to overthrow these results.But he believes that the progress of relations in South Korea is still fragile."In South Korea, Yin Xiyue's efforts have not been widely welcomed. In Japan, there is also a doubt about whether this relationship can improve ... They are worried that the future (South Korea) president may turn over the table again."

Johnstone predicts that the summit statement will emphasize that the security of the three countries is related to each other.In the attack on all member states.He believes that the Three Kingdoms will also announce measures such as deepening military exercises and missile defense cooperation.

According to the Nikkei Asian report, the topic of the summit also includes plans to share the instant information of North Korean missile launch activities before the end of the year, strengthen semiconductor and mineral supply chain.

At present, Washington has a common defense agreement with Tokyo and Seoul, but the United States and Japan alliances and the United States and South Korea alliances are intertwined with each other.If there is a crisis on the Korean Peninsula, the U.S. military in Japan will provide support for the Korean army and the US military in South Korea, and the Japanese Self -Defense Force may also provide logistical support.

Faced with a larger threat of China's rise and North Korea, the three countries are trying to repair diplomatic relations.Since Yin Xiyue came to power in 2022, Japan and South Korea have improved.

Yin Xiyue: Fundamentally eradicate the threat of North Korea nuclear guidance

Yin Xiyue said on Tuesday (15th) to commemorate the Light Rehabilitation of South Korea to get rid of Japanese colonial rule that to fundamentally eliminate the threat of North Korea's nuclear guidance, South Korea, America and Japan must closely conduct three sides of reconnaissance cooperation and share the Korean nuclear guidance in real time.

He pointed out that the seven rear bases provided by Japan to the United Nations Command are the most important fulcrum to curb the southern Korean invasion.

On the other hand, North Korean leader Kim Jong-un and Russian President Putin , promise to develop the relationship between the two parties into "long -term strategic relationships".

Kim Jong -un said that the friendship between the two countries was established by defeating Japan in World War II. This friendship is now "fully demonstrated its invincible and power in the struggle of crushing imperialism and hegemony."

Putin vowed to strengthen bilateral relations between the two countries in the congratulations.He was convinced that the two countries would strengthen cooperation in all fields to maintain the stability and security of the Korean Peninsula and the entire Northeast Asia.