As the United States and allies promote accelerating key mineral production in North America, the Trudeau government in Canada hopes to announce a plan to simplify mining project permits by the end of this year.

Bloomberg reports that as the United States is increasing the metal required by the production of electric vehicles, solar panels and wind turbines, Canada is facing pressure to maintain synchronization with the United States.American legislators are discussing a legislation that may significantly accelerate the approval of resource projects.

Although Canada has a large number of key mineral resources, the mines may take five to 25 years. This constitutes a major challenge for Canada's hopes to participate in the United States' lead in replacing China's leading position in the field of key minerals.

The special consultant of the Canadian Commercial Council Exner Piro said that the United States' discussion on the legislation of licensed reform has increased the urgency of Canada's accelerated mineral construction.

She said: "The price of commodities has risen, and some key metals have begun to be short -short, which shows that the United States has a serious attitude towards permission procedure reform. If we want to do something in the key mineral field, we must take action." According to a knowledge official, the most ideal situation is that the Canadian government has completed a plan to simplify the mining project permit before the autumn budget update.

The official said that the Trudeau government will seek to implement the regulatory obstacle legislative legislation passed in 2019. These obstacles may cause Canadian plans to be delayed for more than 10 years.

The backlog of

License is mainly due to insufficient funds responsible for approval, and the lack of coordination between the federal government and the counterpart departments of various provinces.The impact assessment method adopted in Canada in 2019 aims to shorten the permit approval time to up to 5.6 months by setting the evaluation time limit, but the actual project delay time far exceeds this limit.