(Sydney French Xindian) China and South Pacific Islands Solomon Islands have reached a police cooperation agreement recently. Australia and New Zealand called on China to disclose the details of this agreement, and said that China, which aims to expand its influence, may make the South Pacific Ocean.The tension is heating up.

Solomon Islands Prime Minister Sogvarre visited Beijing this week and signed a series of agreements with China, including an agreement that allows China to maintain police forces in the Solomon Islands until 2025.The Solomon Islands has been favored by China since she cut off diplomatic relations with Taiwan in 2019. China has promised to provide huge aid and funded many major local infrastructure projects.

Australian Foreign Minister Huang Yingxian's spokesman said on Tuesday (July 11) that Australia was worried that the Solomon Islands and China's police cooperation would "further trigger regional competition.""The Solomon Islands and China should immediately announce the agreement to show their intentions to Australia and the region, so that the Pacific family can evaluate the impact of our joint security together."

New Zealand also expressed uneasiness, and its Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesman said on Wednesday: "We hope that the content of the agreement will be disclosed, so that we can figure out any impact on regional security."

In order to expand regional influence, China is playing tug of war in the Pacific and the United States and Australia. The competition is becoming more and more fierce, and the Solomon Islands are in the center of this competition.

Australia itself and the long -lasting security agreement with the Solomon Islands have been reviewed in the near future, so the outside world is worried that the island country is gradually moving closer to China.Although Sogovre has repeatedly emphasized that the Solomon Islands are "friends with everyone", the video released by Chinese official media shows that when he arrived in Beijing this week, he said "I am going home."

Kenylory, a member of the Solomon Islands, told the Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) that Sagawray intends to turn the country's position to China. "This choice has been finalized a long time ago ... (he)As soon as I arrived in China, I said 'I went home', the meaning was obvious. "

Chinese Prime Minister Li Qiang and Sogovre said that the Solomon Islands and Taiwan's intercourse with Taiwan and establishing diplomatic relations with China are "the right choice in accordance with the trend of the times."Sogovre responded that the Solomon Islands "adhered to a Chinese principle and was willing to learn from China's development experience."

The Solomon Islands signed a secret security agreement with China last year. The Western powers were shocked to worry that China established a military foothold in the South Pacific with this agreement.