After several months of fierce debate, Germany outlines possible response measures in the China Strategy to China, such as implementing foreign investment control on cutting -edge technology with military use to cope with "stronger" China and reduce the two countries.The risk brought by the relationship.

Comprehensive Reuters and Agence France -Presse reported that Germany stated in the 64 -page long -page strategy document on Thursday (July 13): "China has changed. Because of this with China's political decision, we need to change the right right.China's attitude. "After several months of argument with the three -party league of German Prime Minister, the three -party league, the document was consent from the cabinet on the same day.

German Prime Minister Tsurtz issued a tweet after the strategy was released, saying that Germany did not intend to decompose with China, "but we hope to reduce the key dependence in the future."

This document says that China is still an indispensable partner in response to global challenges such as climate change and great popularity.However, the document pointed out that China is becoming more and more tough in trying to change the rules -based international order, which has a impact on global security.According to the article, China has decided to expand its relationship with Russia, which has a direct security impact on Germany.

German Foreign Minister Berbque issued a tweet that Germany must reduce the risk of relations with China."We want to cooperate with China. Because we need China, China also needs us in Europe." But she added that Germany also invested in other international partnerships.

China Strategy Documents also say that Germany will continue to strengthen its military existence in the Indo -Pacific region and cooperate with partners, and warn that the status quo of the Taiwan Strait can only change through peaceful means and the consent of both parties.

Documents also say that due to China's support for Russia, China is not credible to defend Ukrainian territory, and urges Beijing to take a clearer position on Russia's invasion.

A spokesman for the German Ministry of Foreign Affairs said that in the next few weeks and months, Germany will discuss a new strategy to China at all levels with the Chinese government at all levels.The spokesman said it was translating the document into Chinese.