(Berlin Composite Electric) Germany announced the first "China Strategy" document. As a program for future relationships with China, China is set as partners, but it is also a competitor and institutional opponent.Strategic dependence.

German Foreign Minister Berbak introduced this 64 -page document on Thursday (July 13) that China has changed and Germany's policy of China must be adjusted.

Bell Berk said that China is now more suppressed internally and more offensive to the outside world.For Germany, in recent years, China's challenges have become increasingly prominent as a system opponent.

German Prime Minister Tsurtz posted on Twitter that the Chinese strategy is a new framework for China relations. The goal is not decoupled, but Germany hopes to reduce dependence in key areas to reduce risks in the future.

The German government will face business risks with corporate talks and analysis

Bell Berk reminds that companies that rely on the Chinese market must bear their own capital risks to a greater extent.It is known that the German government will hold talks with enterprises, especially companies with many businesses in China to analyze the business risks they face.

According to documents, Germany calls for more "raw material partnerships" outside China, especially in Africa, Latin America and Indo -Pacific regions.Germany will review the export control list in the new science and technology field to ensure that German goods will not "encourage China's systematically sexually assault human rights" or support further reorganization.

Germany will also continue to strengthen its military existence in the Indo -Pacific region and cooperate with partners, and warn that only through peaceful ways and the consent of both parties can change the status quo of the Taiwan Strait.

However, the document pointed out that China is still an indispensable partner to deal with global challenges such as climate change and epidemic diseases.

The German Industry Federation welcomes this strategic document, but it is the key to reminding how to implement it. It is worried that German companies may be limited with too much activities in China, and unnecessary to hinder prosperity and innovation.

Chinese Embassy in Germany: Forcibly risk will only be counterproductive

The Chinese Embassy in Germany responded on Thursday that I hope Germany will treat the matter rationally and objectively.The Embassy said that treating China as competitors and institutional opponents does not meet objective facts and the common interests of the two countries, and reminds to force risks based on ideological prejudice and competitive anxiety.

Analysis believes that Germany's "China Strategy" sends out clear information, that is, after years of preferential consideration of bilateral economic benefits in Germany, Germany has changed its attitude towards China.

Researcher Bena, a researcher at the Berlin Think Tank Global Public Policy Research Institute (GPPI), said that the new strategy for China announced the end of the former Prime Minister Merkel's period of comprehensive strategic partnership with China, and pointed out without concealment.The challenges brought by China.