The Chinese Ambassador to the United States Xie Feng on Wednesday (July 12) held a rare talks with the US Assistant National Defense Minister Latna in charge of Indo -Pacific Security Affairs in the Pentagon.

Reuters reported that the Pentagon said in a brief statement that Xie Feng and Latna discussed the defense relations between the two countries and "a series of international and regional security issues."

A spokesman for the Pentagon Malaysia said that the meeting lasted for about 90 minutes, during which Latna also emphasized that the US Department of Defense is committed to maintaining the smooth channels of "military" communication between the United States and China.

The Chinese Embassy in Washington did not immediately respond to the comments request.

Senior researcher of Stimson Center, Sun Yun, the senior researcher of Stimson Center, and the director of the Chinese project and co -director of the East Asian project, pointed out that Xie Feng and Latna were unusual, and the Chinese ambassador did not often meet with senior US defense officials."This shows that China is at least in response to the concerns of the United States, but actual progress still takes time and negotiation."

Recently, the United States has successively visited China and tried to promote the dialogue between the senior management of both parties.Following the visit of US Secretary of State Brillings in June, Minister of Finance Yellen also visited Beijing earlier this month, and the climate special envoy Kerry will also arrive in China next week.

However, China had previously refused to arrange for Sino -US defense ministers to meet during the Shangri -La dialogue in Singapore in June, and military communication between the two sides was stagnant.The Chinese side urged the United States to immediately revoke the sanctions against China Defense Director Li Shangfu, and adopted practical actions to clear the obstacles for dialogue communication.

Sun Yun pointed out that unless Washington solves the sanctions on Li Shangfu, it is unlikely that Beijing to accept a ministerial meeting with the US Defense Minister Austin.She said that the meeting between Li Shangfu and Austin "is not necessarily a prerequisite for restoring the Minister of Defense and the Minister of Defense, but according to the agreement, this is reasonable."