Song Qingying, Journalist Journalist

Integrated India Express today reported that the Indian Space Administration will launch the "CHANDRAYAAN-3" on the afternoon of July 14, local time.Challenge the moon landing task again.It is reported that the "Moon Ship 3" cost about $ 73 million (about 520 million yuan).

Moon boat No. 3 reached the launch table (source source source source: Today India)

The last mission ended in failure, and the lander and the lunar car hit the moon

In July 2019, India challenged landing in the moon with the "Monthly Boat No. 2", and the task ended in failure.During the "Monthly Boat 2" mission, the lander and the lunar car crashed on the moon.

The chairman of the Indian Space Research Organization Somanat analyzed that the reason for the failure was that the thrust generated by the five engines on the lander was slightly higher than expected.At the same time, the lander is also facing the contradiction between the reduction of the speed at the time of decline, but at the same time hopes to accelerate to reach the correct landing point.As a result, it hit the moon surface at a higher speed when it landed.

Although the goal of "Moon Boat No. 3" remains unchanged, scientists of Indian Space Research Organization learned lessons from previous tasks.After a series of tests, the design of the lander has been improved, hoping to detect problems such as failure to reach the landing point, electronic equipment or sensor failure, and too fast speed.

Somanat said that the lessons of the past have also changed the design of the "Monthly Boat No. 3" task.First of all, the estimated landing area of the "Moon Ship No. 3" expands. Secondly, the lander has obtained more fuel, so it can reach the landing point or backup landing point when it is needed.The physical structure of the lander also changed.The central propeller on the lander has been demolished, and the number has been reduced from five to four, and the legs have become stronger to ensure that it can land at a higher speed.

Can India become the fourth country of the United States, Russia, and the Main Moon?

The goal of "Moon Ship No. 3" is to land on the surface of the moon and explore the moon with a roaming car.The "Moon Boat No. 3", which is expected to be launched on the 14th, will enter the orbit of about 170 kilometers by 36,500 kilometers. Then, a two -ton pushing cabin will send the lander and moon car to about 100 kilometers from the moon surface.Round orbit, the lander weighing 1.75 tons will reach the surface of the moon.

The time of landing the moon is scheduled to be dawn on August 23 on the moon. The choice location is located at about 70 degrees south latitude near the Antarctica of the moon.Minerals.According to estimates, the entire process may take about 42 days.If the mission is successful, India will become the fourth country that achieves controlling the moon after the United States, Russia and China.

"Monthly Boat No. 3" consists of a pushing cabin, lander, and a moon vehicle.The instrument equipped by the lander will be used to study the ions and electronic density near the moon surface, the temperature on the moon surface, the scanning the moon seismic, and the dynamics of studying the moon system.Moon vehicle plans to study the chemical and mineral composition on the surface of the moon, such as the ingredients of elements such as magnesium, aluminum and iron in the moon soil and rocks.

(Source: Polar News)