(Washington Comprehensive) US officials and Microsoft revealed that since May of this year, hackers related to the Chinese government have invaded email accounts of more than 25 institutions in the United States, including at least two government agencies.

The US State Department and the Ministry of Commerce confirmed that they were victims.The Washington Post quoted an informed official that the e -mail of the US Minister of Commerce Raymond Doro was also invaded.

The White House National Security Counselor Sha Liven was interviewed by the Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) on Wednesday (July 12) that the United States soon discovered that the federal government account was invaded and quickly took precautions.

White House National Security Council spokesman Hodg said that there was no confidential network affected, and it is currently being evaluated how much information has been stolen.

Microsoft: Continue to monitor "Storm-0558" prevention attack

Microsoft pointed out in the statement that the hacker organization called "Storm-0558" enters an email account using Microsoft Outlook mail by fake identity verification tools.

Microsoft executives revealed that this suspected spy activity was to obtain the permissions of the email system to collect confidential information in the system.Microsoft is cooperating with the Ministry of Land and Security, the Internet and Infrastructure Security Bureau and other institutions to prevent such attacks and will continue to monitor the "Storm-0558" activities.

The New York Times reported that although the scale of this invasion seems to be far less than some recent hackers, such as Russia's invasion of Solarwinds supply chain in 2019 and 2020, it may provide useful information for the Chinese government and its information departmentsAnd may make Sino -US relations further nervous.

Michael Casey, the government nominated as the head of the National Anti -Intelligence and Security Center, attended the hearing of the Senate Intelligence Committee on Wednesday that the United States is facing the threat of "unprecedented". These threats come from China, Russia, etc.Foreign rivals, as well as hackers who act in order to gain benefits.

In Beijing, a spokesman for the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Wang Wenbin, said in an inquiry on Thursday that the United States should explain to his network attack behavior as soon as possible, instead of spreading false information transfer.