U.S. President Biden said that the Russian mercenary organization Wagner GroupA short uprising is part of the Russian system struggle and does not involve the United States and the United States allies.

Reuters reported that Bayeng said on Monday (June 26) to attend the White House event: "We have clearly stated that this mutiny has nothing to do with us."

This is the first time Bayeng delivered a speech on the rebellion of the Bagna Group's head of Purig.He made a cautious assessment of Russia's development. While avoiding intensifying the tension between the two nuclear military countries in the United States and Russia, it also ensured that the West firmly supports Ukraine to repel Russia's invasion.

Bynden said that the rebellion of the Wagner Group was a struggle for power. The rebels team was close to the capital on Saturday (24th). When they arrived, they suddenly announced that they had abandoned the entire operation.

Biden said that he instructed the national security team to report the latest situation to him "every hour" and prepared for a series of possible situations, but he did not explain the details.

According to the BBC, Putin made a five-minute TV speech on Monday night He obviously emphasized that the rebellion of the Wagner Group ended in failure and made Russia unite.

Putin said he deliberately allowed the rebellion for 24 hours to avoid bleeding.

He also said that both the West and Ukraine hoped that the Russians would "kill each other" and warn that any cracking or crazy attempts in Russia will "doomed failure."

The Tas News quoted Russian Foreign Minister Ravorov on Monday that the Russian intelligence agency is investigating Western spy institutions and whether it has played a role in the rebellion of the Wagner Group.

Raftrov said in an interview with RT television on Russia that the US Ambassador to Russia Treyi on Sunday and the Russian representatives on Sunday. She emphasized that the Wagner Group's rebellion was Russia's internal affairs, and the United States had nothing to do with this incident.She also said that Washington wants Russia to ensure the safety of nuclear arsenal.