BBC (BBC) announced the new evidence of Chinese spy balloon activities in Asia, and pointed out that the balloon had flying over Japan and Taiwan.

BBC cooperated with artificial intelligence company Synthetaic to screen a lot of information detected by satellites, and found that multiple images displayed balloons flying over East Asia.

The Ministry of Defense officials confirmed that there were indeed multiple balloons flying over the Japanese territory. The Japanese government is taking all preventive measures and preparing to shot down the balloon to protect the lives and property of the Japanese people.

Former East Asian analyst Karver, former East Asian Analysts (CIA), said that this is not a single event, but a long -term event that can be traced back to at least five years ago.He believes that Chinese spy balloon is designed for these long -distance tasks, and some of them have obviously surrounded the entire earth.

China has not yet made a direct response to the evidence provided by the BBC.

In February this year, the United States shot down a , Leading to further deterioration of US -China relations.US Secretary of State Brosy's visits to China in February .

China calls the balloon that fly over the United States for meteorological research, and the influence of the western wind band deviates from the route.

I went to Beijing on June 18th on June 18 visit.Later, the interview marked that the foreign relations between the United States and China once again entered a stable development stage, and the balloon incident in China should come to an end.

Visited by MSNBC on June 20 on June 20th I said: "We have done what we need to do to protect our interests. We said what we need to say, and clarify that this situation will not happen again. Therefore, as long as it does not happen, this matter should come here.So far. "