Russian President Putin made a five -minute TV speech on Monday (June 26) in the evening. He obviously emphasized that the Russian mercenary organization Wagner Group's rebellion ended with failure and made Russia more united.

Putin said he deliberately allowed the rebellion for 24 hours to avoid bleeding.He also thanked the Russian military.

Comprehensive Reuters and BBC reported that Putin said in Moscow on Monday that the rebellion of the Wagner Group failed, "because all the society of Russia was united" and accused Western incite the rebellion on weekends.

Putin said the government has taken measures to avoid major bleeding incidents, but these arrangements take time.

He accused the sponsor of the rebellion hoping to see Russian society "falling into bloody conflict", "they want the Russians to fight each other. They rubbed their hands and fantasized to revenge for them on the front line and the so -called counterattack."

Putin emphasized that he will fulfill his promise that allows the warrior of the Wagner Group to sign a contract with the Russian Ministry of Defense, return to the family, or transfer it to White Rose.He did not mention the name of the head of the Wagner Group in his speech.

Prior to Putin's speech, Pleigo, who did not show up since the end of the mutiny, published a 11 -minute speech recording in Telegram.

Porigon's actions of last Saturday (24th) were "Parade", which was for the responsibility of the "error" committed by the military leadership in the Ukrainian war, and showed that he had never thought about it to want to want to want to wantOut of overthrow the Russian government.