(Moscow Composite Electric) The dramatic turning point in the Russian mutiny. Under the mediation of President Lucoshenko, the founder of the Russian mercenaries, the founder of the Russian mercenary organization, Perigo agreed to stop the army Moscow and exile in White Ross;The soldiers of Porigor and Wagner Group were guaranteed to be safe.The analysis believes that although Russian President Putin quickly resolved the crisis, the armed rebellion had exposed his fragile situation.

Reach consensus to launch bloody slaughter in Russian territory

Pricig announced on Friday (June 23) that he marched for "justice". After his troops, his troops controlled the Russian headquarters of Rostov, southern Russia, and then went north to Moscow.President Beros said that Putin informed Lukashenko on Saturday morning. The two agreed to take joint operations. Lukashenko subsequently held a telephone talks with Pleigo and reached a "no bloody launch on the Russian territory.Consensus of slaughter.

The Kremlin spokesman Peskov said that according to the agreement, Russia has revoked the prosecution of the Paligen's armed rebellion, and Pryigon will be exiled in exile.Considering that the Wagner soldiers participating in the rebellion had fought for the country, Russia would not take any action against them.

Peskov said that Lukashenko has a 20 -year friendship and voluntarily act as a mediation person.Peskov refused to disclose whether Moscow made other concessions except to ensure the safety of Porigon and Wagner soldiers.

Pryigon confirmed on Saturday evening that the Wagner troops have stopped marching in Russia and turned back to the field camp.Rosetov, Volneri and Lopezk officials reported on Sunday that the Wagner forces have evacuated the three states.

Russia's emergency measures taken on Sundays on Sundays have been lifted, and the roadblocks set on the road to Moscow have been withdrawn.In Rostov, the 3,000 local Chechen forces sent by the local Chechen also began to evacuate.

The capital Moscow did not immediately cancel emergency counter -terrorism measures, but the atmosphere in the city was calm. According to previous announcements, Monday (26th) is set as a non -working day.

Lukashenko's mediation effect makes Putin embarrassed

Experts predict that the grievances with Moscow will not come to an end with Moscow, and Putin must take action to restore presidential authority.Independent political analyst Kara Chev told AFP: "Putin's status has been weakened. He underestimated Pritigo, just like the previous underestimation (President of Ukraine) Zessky."

Institute of Washington Think Tank War Research said that the direct role of Lukashenko in solving the matter embarrassed Putin, and what he promoted was only a short -term solution.

Pricig retreats throughout the body after challenging Putin's authority, and gives people the impression that Moscow is forced to make concessions.However, the Kremlin said that Russia stabilized the situation while avoiding further losses and upgrading.

Whether Putin will replace the Defense Minister and the Chief of Staff of the Russian Army.

The West is paying close attention to the impact of the situation and war in Russia.Whether Putin will replace the defense chief of the defense chief of Shoshigu and the chief of staff of the Armed Forces Glasimov, it is still unclear.Poligor's improper command and incompetence caused many Russian troops to die.

Agence France -Presse analyzed that Shaygu was an old friend who had been taking baths with Putin, and now his status is at stake.Discussion on the Russian Channel of Telegram has appeared on the candidates of Haguku.

How will Perigon and Wagner Group have yet to be observed in the future.Some experts believe that Putin will not forgive the traitors, and it is not impossible for Pricig to be assassinated in the future.

U.S. Secretary of State Brillings Sunday said that Putin also broadcast chaotic seeds under Russia when deciding to invade Ukraine.He believes that the reconciliation incident has not yet been.

A spokesman for the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs said that the matter belongs to the Russian internal affairs, and China supports Russia to maintain national stability.

Ukrainian officials evaluated that Porigen's rebellion was a good thing for Ukraine."This will trigger the internal process of Russia," Salianzki adviser Bodoliak said. It will definitely accelerate the end of the war. "

Zelei also said: "The weakness of Russia is obvious ... the longer the Russian troops and mercenaries on our territory, the more chaos, pain and problems it face in the future." He appealed againWest provides all the weapons required for Ukraine.