(Washington Composite Electric) US intelligence agencies have reportedly controlled that Russia may have armed rebellion information a few days ago and notified the US government.According to US media reports, because of the concerns of being accused of planning to be planned by Russia, they did not intend to help Russian President Putin to avoid embarrassment. U.S. officials did not disclose these information.

The Washington Post reported that American intelligence agencies have discovered in the middle of this month that the Russian mercenaries Organization Wagner Group's head of Pryigo is preparing to take armed operations against the Russian military, so it notits the White House and other US government agencies.

The report quoted a U.S. officials who did not want to name, saying that although it was not long before Porigon's control of Russia, the cities in southern Russia on Friday (June 23), the US official figured out his actual plan andAction time, but at that time, "there was enough signal to report the leadership ... there was a big deal."

The New York Times quoted insiders reports that American intelligence officials reported on Wednesday (21st) to the Bayeng government and national defense officials that Perigon may adopt military operations on Russian defense officials.As the intelligence agency further confirmed Perigo's intention, intelligence officials also informed the incident to the US Congress leader on Thursday.

Pryo is appointed as the Chief of Staff of the Russian Defense Director of Russia and the Chief of Staff of the Russian Armed Forces Glacimov for many years. After the Wagner Group participated in the Ukraine War, Perigo had more publicly criticized the two times.

Russia ordered the Volunteer Corps to sign a contract with the government or trigger a rebellion

It is reported that in recent months, the American intelligence agencies have been tracking the confrontation with the senior management of the Russian military. They believe that this is a clear signs of Russia's uncomfortable war, which has led to a clear signs of internal tension.The Russian Ministry of Defense ordered all the volunteers to sign a contract with the government on the 10th of this month, which is believed to be the fuse of Porigen's decision to rebel.

Huayai said that in the past two weeks, U.S. officials are very concerned about the situation in Russia, especially whether Putin will continue to control power and how internal instability will affect the control of Russian nuclear arsenal.

New Year pointed out that before Russia launched special military operations on Ukraine, U.S. officials publicly disclosed relevant information in order to prevent the outbreak of the war, but this time they chose to remain silent. One was because the situation developed rapidly.Give Putin and blame the soldiers in the West.

Putin has been known for 24 hours before the way, but not acting

Huayai said that American intelligence agencies believe that Putin also learned the news at least 24 hours beforehand, but it is not clear why he did not take action to prevent the mutiny.U.S. officials speculate that this may reflect the lack of coordination and internal struggle for high -level Russian government.

The United States and allies are keeping close communication on the situation in Russia, but avoid discussing the matter publicly.U.S. officials believe that although Perigo has stopped and avoided White Ross, the incident will definitely weaken Putin's authority.

The White House said on Saturday that US President Biden heard a report on the situation in Russia that day and called France, Germany and British leaders.The White House statement said: "Leaders have discussed the situation in Russia. They also confirmed that they unswervingly support Ukraine."

U.S. Defense Minister Austin also called Canada, France, Germany, the United Kingdom, and Poland.When the US Secretary of State Broskere and Western European countries and the Japanese foreign minister, they promised to "keep close coordination."Milly, chairman of the United States Chiefs Chiefs of Staff, temporarily canceled the scheduled to the Middle East on Saturday.

Boerley, a senior representative of EU Foreign and Security Policy, has launched the EU crisis response to the centers, but has not directly criticized the Russian soldiers, saying that this is an internal issue in Russia.